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The History of Polindor and Flostella

With Other Poems. By I. H. [i.e. John Harington] The third Edition, Revised and much Enlarged

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Her's, lovely'st Dappl'd-gray, prime thing, for Beast
All Delicacy seem'd (whom often prest
That proud Comandra) his wavy Mane, unbound,
Like Nymphs loos'd Morning-tresses, kiss'd the ground,
How glass-bright fair, choyce, beauteous-limb'd, as it
For Rose-bed onely; silken Couch were fit!
Light motion'd too, for th' heel, but shewing more
Fine awfull Reverence, as conscious bore
Some sacred Goddess; least its dainty'st Load
Th' hard Earth should chance t'Offend, how nicely'st trod,
With Sea-green Velvet-saddle was he deck'd,
Wrought o're with Silver Waves, by art bespeck'd
Like foaming Froath, where glistring Dolphins shone,
Rich-skal'd as 'twere; both Dolphins, Waves thereon
Moving, just as the wanton Palfrey mov'd.
Her Stirrop, Bit, Guilt silver both approv'd.
Next these, Skie colour'd Velvet Charret
Comandras glory, pride) Imbroider'd that late
To th' height, Purl fring'd, Six milk-white Horse attended