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To the Right Honourable Sir ROBERT WALPOLE,

Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c.


In Imitation of Horace's Ninth Epistle.

Septimius, Claudi, nimirum intelligit unus
Quanti me facias, &c.
Stuart , in France, had heard the grateful News,
That you, Sir, deign to patronize my Muse;
And, ever since he last arriv'd in Town,
Sollicited that I wou'd make him known—
Not, in the supple Crowd, to cringe and beg,
But only kiss your Hand, and make his Leg.


I've told him Fifty times, I can't pretend
To introduce to Walpole any Friend.
'Twere sawcy Rudeness, and too vain Conceit,
In one of my Condition and Estate,
To lead a Stranger to a Man, so Great—
He shou'd address some Senator or Lord;
Argyle himself wou'd serve him for a Word.
But, deaf to my Objections, still he sues,
Nor, erring, will accept of an Excuse;
As if my Interest, in your Grace, he knew
Better than I my self presume to do.
Now, shou'd I not present my Friend, he'll swear
I've selfish Views, and keep my Interest clear—
And, if I do, wou'd not your Levee sneer?


In this Dilemma, how shall I comport?
Affront my Friend, or turn a Jest at Court!
To cure his Jealousy, and keep his Love,
Let me, for once, with humble Boldness move,
And Master of the Ceremonies prove;
Tho' all Beholders shou'd condemn my Brass,
Or, laughing, mark me for an ill-bred Ass.
What for a Friend, is not to be allow'd?
And, if you're pleas'd, what care I for the Crowd?
Then may it please your Honour to forgive
Your Mitchell's Freedom, and his Friend receive;
His Friend, who (cou'd you trust a Poet's Word)
Is Just as Brave as ever drew a Sword,
An honest hearty Cock for common Weal,
Is one of Us, and has a World of Zeal.