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Þenne þer comeþ of Glotonye
Veyne gladnesse, and Lecherye,
ffulþi, Muche speche in hiȝing,
And ful feble vndurstondyng.
Of Lecherie comeþ blyndnes of herte,
In Orisun wiþ muchel vnqwerte—
In al þe preyers he scholde in be
Nis þer wiþ him no stabulte;
Of him comeþ fool-hastines also,
Loue of him-self wol wiþ hym go,
Hate of god þat vs bouht,
Loue of þis world þat is nouht,
Drede of dispeir Is al his wone
Of þe world þat is to come.
Þeose ben þe seuen dedly synnes forþi.
Wel may þei ben cald dedli:
Þe furste þreo dispoyleþ þe mon,
Þe ffeorþe abateþ hym as he con,
Þe ffyfþe byndeþ him in bonde,
Þe Sixte deseyueþ him in londe,
Þe seuenþe him put in þraldome,
Him to muche harm and schome.
ffor Pruide, beo þou þerof bolde,
Bi-nymeþ a Mon his god to holde;
And Envye bi-nymeþ also him fro
His euencristen, from god to go;
Wraþþhe, þat is a schrewed delf,
Bi-nymeþ a Mon his owne self;


Of Slouþe þat ilke foule synne
Euere hit tormenteþ hymme;
Gredines in eueri toun
Casteþ þe vnsely mon adoun;
Glotenye deseyueþ hym in luytel stage;
Lecherie put him in foul seruage.