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Concerning Virgils Eneids.

By heauens hye gift, incase reuiued were
Lysip, Apelles, and Homer the great:
The moste renowmd, and ech of them sance pere,
In grauyng, paintyng, and the Poets seat:
Yet could they not, for all their vein diuine,
In marble, table, paper more, or lesse,
With cheezil, pencil, or with poyntel fyne,
So graue, so paynt, or so by style expresse
(Though they beheld of euery age, and land
The fayrest books, in euery toung contriued,
To frame a fourm, and to direct their hand)
Of noble prince the liuely shape descriued:
As, in the famous woork, that Eneids hight,
The naamkouth Uirgil hath set forth in sight.