University of Virginia Library


When þe folk was samned bi boþe side,
Þe to kinges wiþ michel pride
After þe relikes þai sende,
Þe corporas, & þe messe gere:
On þe halidom þai gun swere
Wiþ wordes fre & hende.
Þe king of Danmarke swore furst, ywis,
Ȝif þat his geant slayn is,
To Danmarke he schal wende,
& neuer more Inglond cum wiþinne,
No non after him of his kinne
Vnto þe warldes ende.


Seþþen swore þe king Aþelston,


& seyd among hem euerichon
Bi god þat al may weld,
Ȝif his man þer slayn be,
Or ouer-comen, þat men may se,
Recreaunt in þe feld,
His man he wil bicom an hond,
& alle þe reme of Inglond
Of him for to helde,
& hold him for lord & king,
Wiþ gold, & siluer, & oþer þing
Gret trowage him for to ȝelde.


When þai had sworn & ostage founde,
Colbrond stirt vp in þat stounde:
To fiȝt he was ful felle.
He was so michel & so vnrede,
Þat non hors miȝt him lede,
In gest as y ȝou telle.
So mani he hadde of armes gere,
Vnneþe a cart miȝt hem bere,
Þe Inglisse for to quelle.
Swiche armour as he hadde opon,
Y-wis, no herd ȝe neuer non,
Bot as it ware a fende of helle.


Of mailes was nouȝt his hauberk:
It was al of anoþer werk,
Þat meruail is to here.
Alle it were þicke splentes of stiel,
Þicke y-ioined strong & wel,
To kepe þat fendes fere.
Hossen he hadde also wele y-wrouȝt:
Oþer þan sp[l]entes was it nouȝt
Fram his fot to his swere.
He was so michel & so strong,
& þer-to so wonderliche long:
In þe world was non his pere.


An helme he hadde on his heued sett,


& þer-vnder a þicke bacinet.
Unsemly was his wede.
A targe he had wrouȝt ful wel
(Oþer metel was þer non on bot stiel),
A michel & vnrede.
Al his armour was blac as piche.
Wel foule he was & loþliche,
A grisely gom to fede.
Þe heiȝe king þat sitteþ on heiȝe,
Þat welt þis warld fer & neiȝe,
Made him wel iuel to spede.


A dart he bar in his hond kerueand,
& his wepen about him stondand
Boþe bihinde & biforn,
Ax[e]s, & gisarmes scharp y-grounde,
& glaiues for to ȝiue wiþ wounde,
To hundred & mo þer worn.
Þe Inglis biheld him fast:
King Aþelston was sore agast,
Inglond he schuld haue lorn;
For, when Gij seiȝe þat wicked hert,
He nas neuer so sore aferd
Seþþen þat he was born.