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The Psalmes of David, from the New Translation of the Bible Turned into Meter

To be Sung after the Old Tunes used in the Churches [by Henry King]

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Sing this as Psalme 119.

By Babylons swift streames we sate,
Sad and disconsolate;
The teares as fast ran from our ey,
For Sions memory.
Our harps untuned, and unstrung,
Upon the Willowes hung;
When those who did us captive bring,
Bid us (in scorne) to sing.
They, who us spoil'd with sword and fire,
Did mirth of us require:
Sing us (say'd They) one of the Songs,
To Sion which belongs.
But how shall we sing the Lords Song,
His Enemies among?
Or tune His Notes in strangers Land,
That cannot understand?


O deare Ierusalem! when I
Forsake thy memory,
May my skill faile, my right hand let
Her cunning quite forget.
Cleave to the roof O may my tongue,
When I not mourne thy wrong;
Or if I not preferr thy mirth
Above all joyes on earth.
In thy remembrance, Lord! retaine
Proud Edoms fierce disdaine;
Who 'gainst Ierusalem did cry,
Mocking hir misery.
Now she is fall'n, nere may our eyes
Againe behold hir rise!
Down with it, (their rude clamours sound,
Rase it ev'n to the ground.
O Babylon! which did'st us wast,
Thy self our woes must tast:
And in thy finall ruin we
Sions revenge shall see.
Happy are They, who to requite
The measure of thy spight,
Without all pitty 'gainst the stones
Shall dash thy little ones.