University of Virginia Library


Come, my Childrene dere, drau neir me,
To my Love vhen that I sing;
Mak ȝour ears and hairts to heir me,
For it is no eirthly thing,


Bot a love
Far above
Other loves all, I say,
Vhich is sure
To indure
Vhen as all things sall decay.
O my Lord and Love most loyal,
Vhat a prais does thou deserve!
Thoght thou be a Prince most Royal,
With thy Angels thee to serve,
Ȝit a pure
Thou hes lovit al thy lyfe;
Thou didst chuis
The refuis
Of the world to be thy wyfe.
Whill I did behold the favor
Of his countenance so fair—
Whill I smellit the sueet savor
Of his garments rich and rair—
“Oh!” I said,
“If I had,
To my Love, ȝon Prince of Glore!
For my chose
Wold I lose
Other loves I lovd befor.”
Vhill I did these words besyd me,
With a secreit sigh, confes,
Lo! my Lord and Love espyd me,
And dreu neir me vhair I wes;
Then a ring
Did he thring


On my finger, that wes fyne:—
“Tak,” quod he,
“This to the,
For a pledge that I am thyne.
Nou thou hes that thou desyrit—
Me to be thy Lord and Love—
All the thing that thou requyrit,
To the heir, I do approve:
Ȝit agane,
For my pane,
Only this I crave of thee;
For my pairt,
Keep thy hairt
As a virgin chast to me.”