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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir,—I have recd your favor of the 23d Ult:
Callendar made his appearance here some days ago in
the same temper which is described in your letter. He
seems implacable towards the principal object of his
complaints and not to be satisfied in any respect without
an office. It has been my lot to bear the burden of
receiving & repelling his claims. What feelings may
have been excited by my plain dealing with him I
cannot say, but am inclined to think he has been


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brought by it to some reflections which will be useful
to him. It is impossible however to reason concerning
a man, whose imagination & passions have been so
fermented. Do you know too, that besides his other
passions, he is under the tyranny of that of love.
Strange as it may appear, this came out, under a
charge of secrecy, in a way that renders the fact unquestionable.
The object of his flame is in Richd.
I did not ask her name; but presume her to be young,
beautiful in his eyes at least, and in a sphere above
him. He has flattered himself & probably been
flattered by others into a persuasion that the emoluments
& reputation of a post office would obtain her
in marriage. Of these recommendations however
he is sent back in despair. With respect to the fine,
even, I fear that delays, if nothing more may still
torment him & lead him to torment others. The
case stands thus. Randolph, had sent on, but not
settled his accounts, in which there was a credit to
the U. S. for the amt. of the fine. In settling the
Acct. the credit is struck out, & the Controller has
notified him, that the 200 dollrs are to be paid to
Callander. Whether he will do it without a suit, is
the question. If he will not, and the result can be anticipated,
in any way, it will be fortunate, as Callendar's
irritation produced by his wants, is whetted
constantly by his suspicion that the difficulties, if
not intended, are the offspring of indifference in
those who have interposed in his behalf. I cannot
but hope that the late Marshall will see the propriety
of not opposing the order of the Treasury


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Dept. There was certainly no pretext for his refusal
at all to refund the money, as I understand his own
statement leaves him a debtor of abt. 1,660 drs, &
that of the Treasury Dept. abt. 2,500 drs to the U.

You see by the papers that our Mediterranean
trade is in jeopardy if not attacked, and that the
arrears of stipulated remittances are urged as the
ground of complaint. Whether this be or be not
more than a pretext, it is certainly extraordinary
that the arrears shd. have been suffered so to accumulate.
From Europe in general we hear little
more than what you see in print. It is said that
Portugal is presented with the alternative of shutting
her ports vs G. B. & receiving a F. or Spanish Garrison,
or of being annexed & guarantied as a province
of Spain. The legations to that Country & Batavia
are to be abolished. The letters &c., for the purpose
to go to Smith & Murray, will be ready for the signature
of the P. on Monday.

Intelligence has come thro' several channels which
makes it probable that Louisiana has been ceded to
France. This is but little wonderful considering the
calculations, into which F. has been led by the transactions
for several years back. You will readily
view this subject in all its aspects. If any ideas
occur on it that can be of service, favor me with them.

Remind Mr. Randolph if you please, that I have
never yet heard from him in answer to my enquiries
on several points—particularly the practicability
and method of getting sold a partnership Mill of


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value. I understand it is doubted by some lawyers
in Richd. (Mr. Wickham probably) whether a suit
will effect it, as long as the separate property of the
partners is sufficient. I am afraid the delay has
already diminished the chance of an advantageous
sale, should a decree be obtainable.

Mrs. M. joins me in the most respectful salutations
to Mrs. Monroe & yourself.