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Imps of king Ioue

The Muses.

Imps of king Ioue, and quene Remembrance lo,
The sisters nyne, the poets pleasant feres.
Calliope doth stately style bestow,
And worthy prayses payntes of princely peres.
Clio in solem songes, reneweth old day,
With present yeres conioynyng age bypast.
Delitefull talke loues Comicall Thaley:
In fresh green youth, who dothe like laurell last.
With voyces Tragicall sowndes Melpomen,
And, as with cheyns, thallured eare shee bindes.
Her stringes when Terpsichor dothe touche, euen then
Shee toucheth hartes, and raigneth in mens mindes.
Fine Erato, whose look a liuely chere
Presents, in dauncyng keeps a comely grace.
With semely gesture doth Polymnie stere:
Whose wordes holle routes of renkes doo rule in place,
Vranie, her globes to view all bent,
The ninefolde heauen obserues with fixed face.
The blastes Euterpe tunes of instrument,
With solace sweet hence heauie dumps to chase.
Lord Phebus in the mids (whose heauenly sprite
These ladies dothe enspire) embraceth all.
The graces in the Muses weed, delite
To lead them forth, that men in maze they fall.