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Scene XIV.

Before the Walls of Malpas.—The left of the field. Alarums and a retreat sounded. Athulf with a remnant of his force, and Ruold.
I knew you not; why pressed you thus upon us,
Alone and wounded as you are? Fall back.

I seek my death,—but, Athulf, not from you.


Oh, gentle Ruold, in my sister's right
I bid you live.

Her spirit calls me hence.
Had I been resolute, she had lived to-day.
Farewell, brave Athulf. You have lost your King.

It shall not be. Nay, hold your ground, my friends;
Turn on them—'tis the last time—ay, the last—
Lo! there Earl Sidroc gallops from the right
To tell us if the King can yet be saved.
Stand fast but till he comes. Crossbow-men, see!
They round the hill, the villains! Shoot together—
There flies the sleet that whistles in their beards—
Charge once again—no archery like yours!
And here comes Sidroc. Well, how fares the King?

Enter Sidroc.
Outwitted, lost, inveigled, snared, and worse,
If worse it be, wounded—they say to death.
Soon as the execrable shape appeared
Of Dunstan on the walls, the tempest rose
Upon his heart and drave him to his fate.
Athulf, away! for longer now to stand
Were worse than vain.

They circle us about,
But we shall break their circle to their cost.


Well have ye battled for your King, brave hearts!
And now I bid you but to save yourselves.
Look not too narrowly at the fence, but leap;
And if it chance, as like enough it may,
That we be scattered, we shall meet again
At Ruthin, whither is the Princess fled.
Round her we rally. Ride, Sirs, for your lives.