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Sebastian had not loved, but he could give
The tears of man to beauty's sudden doom.
He felt no cureless agony, though eve
Oft found him lingering by Maria's tomb.
A little month had given her to the world;
Till then a lingerer in the cloister's gloom,
To wed with bloom and birth her birth and bloom,
To live, be happy, and from life be hurl'd.
Sidonia, childless, bow'd his head to fate,
And shut himself in his Valencian hall;
His heart and hall alike were desolate.
His life was buried in the veil and pall.


Sebastian watch'd his misery, as a son
Beside a father's pillow, day by day,
Until he saw the first, keen sorrow done;
Then, to assuage his own, yet unheal'd, pang,
The gentle bridegroom to his saddle sprang,
And wander'd lonely through the land away.