University of Virginia Library



Father of nations! what high thoughts endued
And arm'd thy soul with matchless fortitude,
Walking with God, in tranquil wisdom strong,
'Mid turbulence, and violence, and wrong?
Sole star descried in that tempestuous night,
Sole thing of life in that o'erwhelming blight!
It was the stronger Man, Eve's promis'd Son,
Bound Death's strong arm within thee, and put on
His armour: it was Christ in thee enshrin'd,
Stretching imploring hands to lost mankind.
In thee His feet found “rest” amid the gloom,
Noah, great name of comfort! Lights illume
The darkness, where He comes with thee to stay;
And, on th'horizon's verge, a heavenly ray
Surrounds thee, while the black baptismal flood
Seems but to lift thee, in thy solitude,
Nearer th'aerial hall, to walk among
The stars of Heav'n;—such hopes to faith belong.
In that frail bark Christ, our Emmanuel,
Is passing o'er that more than ocean's swell,
Where seas and skies the gathering darkness fills,
Bearing His own to the celestial hills.