University of Virginia Library

The .cxxxvij. Psalme.

Vpon the riuers sides we sytte, and wepe moste bytterly.
In Babylon, when Sion doeth come to our memorie.
And vpon the grene wyllowe tres, that growe in Babilon:
We haue hanged vp our swete harpes, and instrumentes echone.
For there, they that made heapes of vs, required vs to synge:
And to make myrth, sayinge let vs, heare of Sion somethynge.
But howe shoulde we synge the Lordes hymnes wyth myrth and melodie:
In a straynge lande where we are kept in such captiuitie?
But (Oh Ierusalem) if I forget the in myne herte:
I praye God that my right hand maye forget all musyckes arte.

And that to the roufe of my mouth my tonge maye be set faste
If I be not myndfull of the, in tyme of my repaste.
Remembre Lorde howe Edomes sonnes haue them selues behaued:
At such tyme as Ierusalem, was wasted and spoyled.
Make it euacuate (sayed they) remoue euerie stone:
Tyll ye come to the verie base & firste foundation.
Oh thou daughter of Babylon, that art nowe wasted thus:
The man is bleste that maye requite, thynges that thou dydst to vs.
The man is bleste that maye laye hande vpon thy little ones:
And dashe them hard agaynste the rocke, & agaynste the hard stones.