University of Virginia Library

De imperatoribus. Martinus. Anno gracie xvjo, Tiberius erectus est in imperatorem post mortem Octouiani.

Tiberius was made this ȝer
emperour after Octouian,
and eghten ȝer, withouten wer,
regnet er that Crist was tane,
And after Cristes passion
fyue ȝer fully regnet he,
thas mas in alle, ȝe knowe moun,
euen twenty ȝer and thre.
Octouianes wyues sone he was
by a husbond ho hade bifore,
wise in armes in vche place,
and to world happy euermore.
In lettrur he was ful cunnyng
and wonder slegh als, as I rede,
other then wille schop of-scho-wyng,
and his wille noght schowe til nede.


Mon that he louet, hit was semyng
alway wrotht whit as he wer,
and to hem that he louet no-thing,
made glad contennaunce and gode cher.
In al his werkes wel abydyng
he was, as Iosephus witenesse her,
And as schowde by hys doyng
in w[or]lde lyuyng, as ȝe moun ler.
ffor in what lond, whitoute lesing,
that he made any officer,
he suffert hom alway so lenging
And neuermore chaunget in no maner.
And cause whi that so did he,
hit was the peple forto spare,
men asket what the cause might be,
And this was al-way his vnsware:

Nam procuratores, inquit, tanto dominantur grauius, quanto breuius.

‘ffor procuratoures and officeres,
the lasse wille thay han maistry,
the more greuouse bene of maneres
hor sugetes forto do any.’
And this ensaumple shewet he
to make hyt sothe that he con say,
of a mon that he con se
lay ones woundet in the way,
Was bytten with fleghes bitterly,
come by a frende and for the best
steret these fleghes that diden hym ny
for to gete hym better rest.
Thenne sayde the seke mon to hym tho,
‘frende, thow dos me now grete wogh,
the fleghes that thow puttes me fro
now thay haden eten inogh,


‘And lasse thay greuet whil thay wer ful;
now wol thay, when thow art away,
hongrily take sadder pul,
and greue more then bifore in fay.’
And right so in the selue maner
hit fares by officeres i-wys,
that hopen to stonde but one ȝer
nuyen the more and done amys.

De nouo vitri temperamento. Ysidorus libro xvjo capitulo.

We reden in Rome a mon ther was
this emperoures tyme lyuyng,
that a temprur founden has
to make glas big and eke bowing,
As stif as siluer or golde is
Or other metal to be wroght;
when the emperour herd of this,
that mon was sone bi-for hym broght.
Whenne he bifore hym come i-wys,
the emperour sone at hym soght,
whether a[n]y monnes wyt saue hys
of that temprur knew oght.
And he vnswaret and sayd nay,
ther was no mon knewe hy[t] saue he,
hym-selfe furst fonde hit in gode fay
by fe[r] seching and sotilte.
When the emp[er]our knewe thys thing,
bad sle hym sone in al maner,
for ȝif that ilke crafte sulde spring,
siluer ne gold noght worthy wer.


Anno gracie xixo, Tiberii iiijo.

This ȝer deghet that c[uo]ynt clerke,
Ouide, that exilet was
out of Rome for wikket werke
in one boke that he mad thenne has,
The whiche book was of paramur,
al forto teche men for to wow,
and broght mony in grete langour
for kokewald wer mo thenne i-nowe,
And mony ladyes of that cite
defoulet thurght hys token tho,
the emperesse als defoulet he,
and thurgh his token mony mo.
Ther-fore from Rome he was exilet
in-to the yle of Pounce i-wys,
for by hym wymmen wer bigilet
and mony made to do amys.
Ther-fore an-other book he made
was callet of suche loue remedy,
to amonde that he done hade
and teche wymmen to wayue that ny,
In whiche book these verses sette he,
that by-ny[t]h[e] arn writen her
in Latyn, as ȝe wel moun se,
that semet he ruet his doyng der:

Naso minus prudens artem dum tradit amandi, doctrine pretium triste magister habet.

Anno gracie xxvijo, Tiberii xijo.

This ȝer Pilate was after sent
and made hegh iustice in Iude,
vnder whom toke iuggemynt
Ihesu Crist to deth on tre.


But of his burthe and byggynynge
loke her-after and knowe ȝe moun,
and also wayte of his endyng
in Ihesu Cristes passion.
Of Iudas also, sothe [to] say,
thowe sal fynde in the selue place,
and how Ierusalem rede thow may
thurgh vengeaunce after destruet was.

Anno gracie xxxo & Tiberii xvijo.

Iohan the Baptist this selue ȝer
bigan to preche al in Iude,
baptiȝet also fer and ner,
and tolde that forgoer was he
to Ihesu Crist, þat Marie ber,
And baptist hym, as reden we,
the eȝt Ide of Ianuer,
twelfe daies from his natiuite,
that fel þen as a Sononday,
And Monday after next suyng
lad to desert, þat nys no nay,
Of fourty daies bigan fastyng.
With þe Holi Gost lad was he
Into desert, as sais Gregory
In his 5 Omelie, leue ȝe me,
And with non eul gost witerly.
When he had fourty daies fast
After þe time he baptist was,
the deul temptide hym atte last,
As the gospelle mynde mas.
but Crist for alle þe deulis cast
ouer-come hym wel tho in þat cas,
for he supplauntide long time past
our forme fadir out of his plas.


But thagh Adam ouer-comen wer
& laft þe ioy of Paradise
thurȝe þe deul & his power,
that so ouer-come hym by coyntise,
He that was God & mon in fer
restoret hym that was warre & wys
I shal ȝou tell in quat maner,
As Gregory sais with-out fayntis.
The deul temptide vntrewly
our forme fadir al amys
with thre synnus, sais Gregory,
forto bryng hym out of blis.
The first of hom was glotery,
the secunde vaynglorie i-wys,
the thrid auarise, as say I,
thurȝe quych þe deul then made hym his.
With glotery he bigilet hym tho
quen þat he shewide hym the tre
And the fruyt of hit also
that swete & fair was forto se,
With vayn-glorie he did hym wo
quen he hiȝt hom both to be
like goddes, þer-as wer no mo
but one God & persouns thre.

Eritis sicut dii. Genesis.

In auarise thay temptide wer
quen þat he het hom forto knawe
gode & eul both in fer
by this word, þat I shal showe:

Genesis, eodem capitulo: Scientes bonum & malum.

‘Auarise,’ sais sayn Gregory,
‘sovnes not onely in monee,
but in heȝenes witerly
And couetise of gret degre;’


ffor [qven] mon wilnes gret maistry
of heȝenes or of dignite,
Gregory in his omely
sais that couetouse is he.
Thus gilet Sathan sotily
Adam foul by synnus thre,
And supposide wel þer-by
haf combride Crist, so leue ȝe me,
And tho wiles euerychone
Assaide on Crist þat ilk day,
thurȝe glotery first to be his fone
this ilke worde quen he con say:

Si filius dei es, dic vt lapides isti fiant.

‘Ȝif þou be Goddis sone,’ saide he,
‘make of thes stones brede in hie.’
ther temptid he hym, ȝe may wel se,
riȝt as Adam in glotery.
But Crist knewe wel his sotiltie,
And saide that mon lifd not only
by brede, but Goddes word most be
saule sustinauns sikerly.

Non in solo pane viuit homo set in omni verbo quod procedit de ore dei.

Then was the deul adred ful sore,
ffor atte forme ouer-comen was he,
but ȝet he thoȝt to fonde hym more
the secunde time, as ȝe shyn se.
And temptid hym bi vayn-glory
qven he þis word saide writen her,
‘Ȝif þow be Goddes son almyȝty,
come doun & in þis plas apper.’


Si filius dei es, mitte te deorsum.

Then Crist concludet hym with cumfort
and holi writt alegget þer,
‘writen hit is þat God thi lord
thow shalt not fonde but honour & her.’

Non temptabis dominum deum tuum.

the thrid time he temptid wes
by auarise, & then was thrie
quen he showide hym expres
al þe world þer oponlye,
And saide, ‘al this I wil ȝif þe,
ȝif þow wilt mekly knele adoun
And with gode wille worship me,
thou shalt hafe al this tour & toun.’

Hec omnia dabo tibi, si cadens adoraueris me.

then [t]o the deul onsuaride he
with a fulle conclusioun,
‘God thi lord byhoues the
to honour & serue, be alway boun.’

Dominum deum tuum adorabis, & illi soli seruies.

Al thus in þis selue maner,
And bi þes sleghtes alle thre
that Adam broȝt was in daunger,
Crist ouercome Sathan, ȝe moun se.

De miraculo Christi & apostolorum vocacione.

After þat Crist thus fulghet was
þe eȝt Ide of Ianuer,
And fulfillid his fastyng has
ffourty dais, as I saide her,
The next pasches after þen suyng
to þe temple come he in hye,
And men þer sellyng & bying
putt hom out apertly,


And saide his fadir wonyng
shuld not be hous of marchandye.
the self ȝer, bout lesyng,
Crist cald to hym this company,
Peter & Andrewe eke also,
Philip & Natanaele,
that he ches with hym forto go
from worldes woo to saule hele.
The next ȝer after, as rede I,
Crist turnet water into wyne
the self day of epiphany,
As in his cronicles sais Martyn.
And after that sone, as I rede,
Crist & his chosen meigne
baptiseden, as witnesses Bede,
mich peple in Iudee.
The next pasch þen suyng
Ion þe baptist prisonet was
ffor his fulghing & preching,
And one ȝer ful was in þat plas.
And on that selue pasch day
And Iewes saboth sikerly,
helet Ihesu, soth to say,
A mon þat hade þe parlesy
Biside a fisch-pole, nys no nay,
As specifies þe euangely,
that aght & thritty ȝer so lay
In that seknes with gret any.
And after that þe selue ȝer,
Crist into a hulle he went,
And ther he ches men to hym der,
his twelue apostlis, & hom kent.


And Luk witnes bout wer
Bertilmewe & Thomas of Inde
wer that time chosen both in fer,
And to preche sent, as I fynde.
Then after þe thrid pasch day
Ion þe baptist hedet was,
after a fulle ȝer, in gode fay,
Þat he was prisonet in that plas.
In þe epiphany nex tho
God showide a miracle ful apert,
quen with fiue loues & fisches two
he fed fyue thousande in desert.
Quen þat ȝer fully was gone,
bifore þe ferth pasch day,
Crist suffrid deth for vs ichone
on rode tre, that nys no nay.