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King Oswald slain at Maxfield gave arise

Bede 1. 3 C. 9. 10

To many stories Beda's pen up hoist
That in the place he fell, a king was Cur'de
And then a Maid that th'palsy had indur'de.
The Dust thence tooke heald many sicknesses
The post he hung on had no blemishes
By fire that did all other things there turn
To ashes quickly that there did burn.


Upon his Relickes there abode all night
From thence to heav'n streatcht out a stroke of Light
Which then was seen in Litchfield province cleare.
Nay by the water that did wash them, were
Possessed persons healed, and dust tooke thence
Chast divells all from men possesst. (brave sence),
And at his tomb a boy was Cured who
Was Fever sick, a man from death raisd too.