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Seint edward broȝte in to engelond out of normand[ye]
Men þat him adde fleme ydo god & corteysye
& Roberd an clerc he louede mest vor he ȝef him þe bissop[riche]
Of londone & suþþe of kanterbury þe erchebissopriche
Þo he was erchebissop luþer he was & prout
Þe king him louede & alle is dedes þoru him dude al out
Þer was vpe þe quene emme þe kinges moder ydo
A luþer sclandre & vpe þe bissop of winchestre al so
Þat hii in contenance to folliche hom bere
Þe erchebissop tolde þe king more þan þer were
Þat þer was foul lecherye bituene hom ydo
& þat þoru þe quene hire sone was Alfrede to deþe ido


& he ne miȝte noȝt bileue bote he amendment toke
Of so vil dede wanne he adde hor soules to loke
Þe king leuede him wel ynou & suor he nolde abide
Þat he nolde uerst nyme vengaunce in is side
Þe bissop he binom verst al is lay fe
& suþþe he broȝte him in prison & bi nom him is se
His moder he dude ek in warde & scars liflode ire fond
In þe abbeye of worewelle & binom hire al ire lond
Þis quene made deol ynou & ire lettres wide sende
To bissopes þat he truste to ire stat uorto amende
& þat heo wolde þoru furi yre ȝif me wolde þat heo bere
Oþer trede ssewi þat heo gulteles were
Þe king was mek & milde ynou & as þe bissopes him bade
Wolde is moder do al out bote as þe oþer it made
& naþeles hii were at on as hii wolde desire
Þat is moder ire skere ssolde wiþ fury ire


Þe erchebissop roberd hurde of þis dom
& þei he nere noȝt ibede to þis conceil he com
Þe bissopes he ladde a conseil louerdinges he sede
Ich wene vor is moder mi louerd þe king ȝe bede
Þat nis as no womman ac as þe deuel ich doute
Þat uorto ssende ire owe sone þe king is aboute
Þat seiþ he is amansed vor ire copinere
Þe bissop he deþ in warde of wan heo wole hire skere
Ȝif heo skerþ hire of him hou wole heo verþore mo
Skere of þat heo aþ ido hire sones gret wo
Of þat heo alfred hire sone radde to deþe bringe
& þat heo porueyde poyson to hire sone þe kinge
Ac ȝif heo hire skeri wole of ech of þis þinge
And heo hire skeringe do after mi lokinge


And heo of scapie harmles þe gultes echon
Icholle nime vor me & vor þe king þat gult naþ þerof non
& grante þat mi dignite me be al binome
& þat heo & þe bissop ek to hor state aȝen come
Lat nime foure yrene ssares vor hire sulue al a fure
& fiue uor þe bissop & ȝif heo it mai dure
Wanne hii liggeþ in þe flor to steppe vp echon
After oþer bareuot þat heone bileue noȝt on
Þat heo ne steppe mid folle vot wiþoute quakinge
& ȝif hire vet beþ þanne sauf wiþoute wemminge
Graunteþ hom alle quit ac ȝif heo quakieþ out
Oþer stepþ biside oþer hire vet in eny wemme be ybroȝt


Holdeþ hom gulti of þe dede & lateþ hom al so
Al hor lif as wikked men in strong prison be ydo
Þo me tolde þe quene vore heo was glad ynou
So þat þoru al engelond þis word sone drou
Þat þo dai was icome so muche folc þer com
Þat me nuste ware hom Inny vor to yse þis dom
And þe heyemen ney of engelond were þere ech one
To se godes grace of þe quene bote þe erchebissop one
Ac he feinede him somdel sik and ney þe se to be
He bileuede at douere ȝif ned were to fle
Þe quene þoru þe kinges heste ybroȝt was al so
Fram worewelle to winchestre þis Iugement to do
To sein swithines ssrine þen wei heo nom wel riȝt
Gladliche þo heo þuder com & bileuede þer al niȝt
In wop & in orisons þat reuþe it was to se
And euere bed þe holimon hire help uor to be


As heo vel in a lute slep sein swiþin to hire com
Doȝter he sede be studeuast to vnderuonge þis dom
Ich am swithin wam þou bidst & uorȝif þi sone þis dede
And to passe þe fury yre naue þou none drede
Þe quene was glad þo heo awok of þat þis godemon sede
Þat folc com þikke amorwe to se þis wonder dede
And þe heyemen come echon þen dom to hure sone
And þe king þen dom uor to ȝiue an hey sat on is trone
Biuore him uor to auonge hir dom þe quene me broȝte al so
Þe king hire esste sturneliche wer heo wolde þe dom do
Þe quene wepinde wel sore þe king ansuerede þis
Sire king þou art mi louerd and mi sone ywis
Ich emme þat þe ber and uor þe gronede ylome
Þe wule þou in mi wombe were & ar þou fram me com[e]


A sclaundre is vp me ibroȝt of min children tueye
Of þe & of alfred þi broþer þat my sones were beye
Þat ich ssolde atte rede be þin broþer to deþe bringe
And þe vor to apoisony & ȝut of þe þridde þinge
Þat ich sunne of lecherie Mid aylwine al so
Þat is bissop of winchestre ssolde abbe ydo
Ich clupie god to witnesse þat he me to day yhure
Þat ȝif ich of eni gulti am þat ich mote þoru þis fure
Brenne bi neþe & perissy þat me mowe yse þe wreche
& ȝif ich gultles am þer of god þat soþe teche
Þe quene was þo vorþ ilad mid moni a wepinde eye
Of bissopes & of heyemen & of oþere þat it yseye
Hire riche cloþes were of ydo bote þat heo was bi weued
Hire bodi wiþ a mantel a wimpel aboute hire heued


Hire legges bare bineþe þe kne þat me miȝte ech stape ise
A wey vuele bicom it quene so bar uor to be
Me broȝte vorþ þis fury ssares and leide is al arewe
In þe bar erþe isuope godes grace to ssewe
Þe bissopes blessede þe ssares and þe quene al so
And ladde ire uorþ in eiþer alf þis Iugement to do
Þe quene þoȝte al on god an to heuene caste ire eye
And ne lokede noþing donward & as hii alle yseie
Heo stap vpe þis furi yre euerich stape al clene
Nuste heo hire sulf hou it was ne bleincte noȝt ene
Þer was ioye & blisse ynou & moni a wepinde eye
Verst uor fere & suþþe vor Ioye þo hii þis iseye
Þe bissopes þat hire ladde vor ioye wepe al so
& herede god & sein swithin þo þis miracle was ydo


An ladde ire outward of þe chirche þe quene bigan to crie
Vor þe loue of ihesu crist ne doþ noȝt þe vileinie
To do my penaunce wiþoute ac in alle manere
As it me it iloked was In holi chirche here
Ma dame quaþ þis bissopes þou it ast ido iwys
So helpe me god quaþ þe quene Inuste noȝt er þis
No fur ine velede ne ne sei in þis place
Bote nou ich it verst ise ihered be godes grace
Ledeþ me þanne to mi sone þat he mowe yse
Min fet aboue & ek bineþe wer hii ywemmed be
Þo hii broȝte hire to þe king þe king ligginge hii founde
Wepinde & ope heued to sprad al to þe grounde


Hit was longe ar he miȝte speke vor deol þat he made
Atte laste he ros vp as þe bissopes him bade
& vel to is moder vet aduun anon akne
Moder he sede ich abbe misdo aȝen god & þe
Þat i nam noȝt wurþi to be þi sone ac par seinte charite
Vor pite þat of þe Magdalein god adde uor ȝif it me
Sone quaþ þe moder þo as al þis men iseþ
God aþ vaire issewed þat we gultelese beþ
Atte biginninge þeruore aȝen þe bissop ich rede
Amendement do þat is gultles of þe dede
& suþþe þou miȝt aȝen me vor ich mot nede be milde
As kunde of moder wole & blod aȝen my childe
Þo þe bissop was icome wepinde wel sore
Þe king vel doun to is vet & criede him milce & ore


Þe bissop wepinde al so uorȝef it him anon
So þat þoru þe kinges bone þe bissopes ech on
Ech after oþer asoilede þe king of þis trespas
Mid ȝerden in is naked rug and þat gret pite was
Þre strokes þe moder ek wepinde wel sore
Ȝef him him to asoily & ne miȝte uor reuþe more
Þo custe þe king is moder & þe bissop suþþe al so
& herede ȝerne seint swithin þat such miracle adde ido
Þe king þo mid gode herte deliuery het anon
Boþe quene & bissop hor maners echon
Nine tounes þe quene anon of þat ire owene was
Ȝef þe house of sein swithin vor þis holi cas


& þe bissop oþer nine of is eritage ywis
Vor þe nine fury ssares iȝiue was al þis
Þe king confermede hor ȝiftes & him sulf ȝef al so
Tueie gode maners sein swithin þer to
Þat wolde be tuenty vnder al and þat nas noȝt lute þere
Vor it wolde finde hom lec & worten inowe bi þe ȝere
Vor gode þe nexte king Edward þat after him suþþe com
Ne ȝef hom noȝt folliche so muche wiþinne is kinedom
Þe abbey of sein denis seint edward ȝef al so
Þe priorie of derheste & londes þat þer beþ to
Þe erchebissop of kanterbury sori ynou was þo
Þo he hurde of þe quene al hou it was igo
Him þoȝte wel longe ar he were ouer se
& bileuede al is bissopriche & ne com neuer eft aȝe
Þe quene & eke þe bissop þe wule hii aliue wer
Muche honourede sein swithin fram ȝere to ȝer


Þo wende heo out of þisse liue emme þe gode quene
In þe aþousend ȝer of grace & tuo & fifti ich wene
Seint edward held at windelsore a uair feste wiþ alle
An as ȝong mon biuore him seruede in þe halle
He spornde wiþ is o vot þat he vel almest abrod
Ac he hente mid is oþer vot so þat he abod
Þe erl godwine þe false mon sede þo þat þe on broþer
As ȝe seþ in nede helpeþ þere þat oþer
Þo ansuerede þe king & sede so miȝte me
Mi broþer helpe godwine ȝif he moste uor þe
Þo was þis luþer godwine of ssamed suiþe sore
Sire he sede ȝut me þincþ þat in ortrou þou art more
To me of þi broþer deþ & leuest hom ich ise
Þat in falsnesse þe tolde þat ich ssolde þi traytour be
As wis deme god þat soþe þat of ech þing wot ende
& al so late þis mossel bred þoru mi þrote wende


Wiþoute harm as inadde neuere in no cas
Gult of þi broþer deþ ne þi traitour neuere inas
Þe mossel he dude in to is mouþ ac þe king it blessed er
Hit bileuede amidde is þrote astrangled he was riȝt þer
& deide atte borde al stif wiþ ssendnesse ynou
Out al bineþe þe borde harald is sone him drou
A þousend in þe ȝer of grace & þre & fifti þis was
Lute harm þei ech traitor endede in þis cas
Of al is kunne in engelond seint edward nad noȝt on
Vor is breþeren were aslawe oþer iflemd ech on
Þeruore þo þis holimon as in to elde wende
To þe emperour of rome after is neueu he sende
Edward edmondes sone þat was yrenside
Þat is eir were after him ȝif he miȝte aliue abide
Þis emperour him sende mid gode loue & fre
Edward and agace is wif and hor children þre


Þe ȝonge edward adeling and al so margarete
And cristine hire soster þat gode were & suete
Þo hii come to engelond glad was þe king þo
Vor he nadde in is fader half kunnesmen nammo
Þis was in aþousend ȝer & seuene & fifti þer to
As in þe ȝer of grace þat þis dede was ydo
Ac edward deide sone & ibured was wiþ grete prute
At sein poules at londone as is bones beþ ȝute
And is sone edward bote ȝong and tendre nas
Þer uore þe king uor is deþ þe soriore was
Vor þet child was wel ȝong eir & king to be
& he wuste wel þat in þe lond muche wo me ssolde ise
And vor is vncle in normandie him adde susteined er
Þo he was fleme & frendles mo þan þritty ȝer
He wolde þat is sone sone after him king were
Willam duc of normandie riȝt lawe þei it nere


Vor he was in is moder alf next of is blod
And þer nas non in is fader alf þat þer to was so god
Þeruore þis willam bastard engelond he bi het
And biqueþ in is deþ vuel ar he þat lif let
And þat muche uor þe londes prou uor is neueu so ȝong was
Hou willam bastard was biȝite icholle telle þat cas
Richard duc of normandie emme broþer þe quene
Adde an sone þat het roberd þat duc was suþþe ich wene
Roberd þis noble duc as he wende ouerlond
A wel vair maide as him þoȝte In a tresche he vond
Þis maide him paide suiþe wel mid god herte he ire nom
And huld ire as is lefmon as wo seiþ in hordom
& biȝet on hire þis willam & uor he was so ibore
Out of spoushod me clupede him william bastard þeruore


Ar þat child were ibore a wel wonder cas
Þe moder matte bi hore childe þat in ire wombe was
Þat is gottes were to drawe aboute al normandie
And eke aboute al engelond & þat was to signefye
Þat he ssolde be duc of normandie and king of engelonde
And boþe as it suþþe vel holde in is honde
Þat child ek þo it was ibore & to grounde com
Out of is moder wombe uerst is honden boþe it nom
Vol of þe poudre of þe erþe sturneliche ynou
An closed is to gadere & is vestes boþe adrou
Þo was it iIugged þat he ssolde be wiþoute fayle
Hardi kniȝt & stalwarde & muche do of bataile
Al it com to soþe suþþe he bigan ȝong ynou
To kuþe wat he wolde be þat so ȝonge is fustes adrou


Þis child wax so wel & þeu as iseie fremde & sibbe
Þat he wolde be a noble mon ȝif he moste libbe
His fader adde of him ek gret ioye & pris
Þat so god signe adde so ȝong to be stalwarde & wis
Ar he were seue ȝer old þoru out moni a lond
Þe pope sende croiserie in to þe holi lond
Roberd duc of normandie þe crois nom atten ende
And ȝarkede him wiþ oþere to þe holy lond to wende
At fescamp ar he wende uorþ he made al normandie
Suerie helde is ȝonge sone as to seignorie
Ȝong duc he was on of seue ȝer vnneþe
Vor þe fader ne com neuere aȝen ar he was ido to deþe
And þis ȝonge child bileuede duc & gret þing adde an honde
Þis was ar seint edward were king of engelond


& seint edward bileuede uorþ mid him as he adde er ido
Mid is fader in is nede and mid is grantsire al so
Þeruore þo he was king gret loue he gan bede
Þis willam uor hii susteinede him so in is nede
So þat suþþe in is elde þo is lif was nei ido
As in þe ȝer of is kinedom tuenty & tuo
Of þe croune of engelond he nuste wat best do
Vor edgares neueu is sone wel ȝong was þer to
To be king of engelond & is owe lif ssort was
& he dradde of gret contek alonde uor þat cas
Him þoȝte to ȝiue willam þat lond it was best ido
Vor he was wurþe & of o blod & best it couþe wite al so
Þeruore he ȝaf it him as he bihet him biuore
& sende to him mid þe ȝifte to normandie þeruore
Þe erl harald þe quene broþer as me wende & oþer mo
Ac soþ it is þat þe erl harald passede þe se þo


Wiþ gret poer & folc inou so þat as god it wolde
Wiþ winde he was in strange londe idriue þer he nolde
Þere hii were as strange men grimliche vnderuonge
& inome to abbe of hore & ibroȝt in bendes stronge
Sire gwy of pountin was is name þat hom broȝte in bende
& askede hom gret raunson of prison vor to wende
Harald was of heye herte & suor raþer he wolde
Ȝiue þe duc of normandie of tresour & of golde
Þat al so noble duc was & god þan a such half mon as he was
To þe duc he sende sone to helpe him in þat cas
Þe duc sende to sire gwy so þat sire gui anon
Ladde harald to þe duc & is felawes ech on
Þe duc vaire him vnderueng & onoured him ynou
So þat as riȝt was gret loue bituene hom drou


Harald uor to paye him wel sede him sone is sonde
Hou þe king him made after him is eir of engelonde
& þat he wolde take him to wite þat lond he vnder stod
To is bihefþe & þat he wolde wardein be him god
As strong uorewarde as hii miȝte hii made & as hard
& vpe holi relikes harald suor to willam bastard
Treuliche to wite engelond to him vorte he come
& þat he is one doȝter to wiue al so nome
Þat ȝong was at þulke time so þat þis þinges tuo
Mid as gret oþ he suor hom as mon miȝte do
Þo þis vorewarde was ymad hard & strong ynou
Harald toward engelond wiþ gode loue drou
Þe king he tolde al þat cas þat bituene hom was ydo
Hou he wolde willam trewe be & is doȝter spousi al so


Þo was þe king glad ynou þat he wel to him truste
& bitok him þat lond þat he wel to þis willam it wuste
Seint edward wuste of is deþ ar he henne wende
Vor seint Ion þe ewangelist biuore longe him word sende
& sende him tokne bi a ring þat at westmunstre ȝut is
Þat seint edward þer biuore sein Ion ȝef ywis
Þe king þo þet word him com & þen ring isey
He þonkede god þat he wuste þat is deþ was so ney
His god he delde pouere men & made is bernes bare
& is tresorie al so god & made him to god al ȝare
Glad he was of westmunstre þat he let him sulf rere
Þat biuore him was to grounde ibroȝt þoru luþer kinges þat þer were


Ac vor þe chirche vn halewed was þeruore him was wo
He þoȝt lete it halwy to Midewinter anon þo
Þei seinte peter him sulf ihalwed him adde er
Ȝut he moste ef sone vor þe nywe worke þer
He sende after is barony at midewinter mid him to be
Þo þe feste igadered was deol me miȝte ise
Vor þo it ssolde Murgost be þe king vuelede anon
& naþeles glad he was him sulf vor he wuste wuder gon
& uor ioye of is deþe & uor þe heye feste al so
Þe trauail he nom to him al þat him wolde valle to do
He ber þe croune & huld þe deis mid oþer atil al so
& mid gret semblant þe feste huld vorte þre dawes were ydo


A sein Iones day he sey þat al com to god endinge
He made a confermement to westmunstre of ech þinge
Þat þoru him hom iȝiue was oþer þoru eni oþer kinge
So þat no king after him ne dude no destourbinge
Þe chirche he let halwy as a childermasse day
Wel feble he was þere him sulf as al þat folc isay
In a þousend ȝer of grace & six & sixti þer to
Hit was þat þis holimon þis dede let do
Þo it was al wel ido & ibroȝt to god ende
Þe king feble & sik ynou to is bed gan wende
Þo was þer deol & sorwe ynou of men þat wuste þat cas
Vor hii wuste þat to engelond muche wo to come was
Worre & slaȝt & oþer wo & honger & gret wou
Þe quene vel bi him adoun & biclupte him vaste ynou
Vor to hete is colde limes þat non hete ne com to
Þoru hete of ire owe bodi & of ire cloþes al so


Þe king lai as he were isuowe al mest dawes tuo
He gan as he awoke of slepe is eyen þo vndo
He sat him vpward vp is bed is honden huld vp an hey
Louerd he sede þat ech þing madest quointe & sley
& changest poer & kinedom al at þin owe rede
& mannes sones wreche sendst of hor fader misdede
Ȝif þing þat ich nou ysey come of þin owe soþnesse
Ȝif me poer hit to telle in al mi feblesse
Vor to ssewy þi poer þat hii þat it yseþ
Douti þe of þe sunne þat hii inne beþ
Repenti mowe & þer of hom amendi so
Þat hii ssilde hom fram þe harm þat þou þencst hom do
Anon as þis holiman adde is orison ydo þere
Stalwarde mon of speche he was hol as þei he were


Þo gan he to tellen þis þat vlke tyme ich was
As man fleme in normandie me com mani god cas
Men of religion ich louede wel ynou
And to hom þat beste were at uor alle oþere ich drou
An tueye holimen at uore alle oþere mest ich louede þere
Nou wot ich wel þat mani day in heuene boþe hii were
Nou come hii boþe to me and þe anguisses some
Hii tolde me þat to engelond after me ssolle come
Hii sede me of þe wrechede þat alond aþ ȝare ibe
Þe wreche hieþ & comeþ sone & þat me ssal yse
Vor prustes mid vnclene honden & mid lechors mod
Al isoyled sacrieþ godes fless & is blod


Ssephurdes hii beþ luþere vor hii ne witeþ noȝt
Hor ssep fram þe wolues vor be hom ibroȝt
Þe milc & þe wolle clene of oþer þing hii nolleþ telle
Þe ssephurdes & þe ssep al so ssolleþ to þe pine of helle
As god heiemen of þe lond robbeors felawes beþ
Poueremen þat hii moweþ ouer hii huldeþ as ȝe iseþ
Nou wole vr louerd ssake is suerd is bowe is ibend
& prest aþ imad uor to smite men þat beþ mis wend
Þo sede ich mid dreri mod ȝif hii wolle turne hor þoȝt
& sori be & bete hor sunne wole vr louerd uor ȝiue hom oȝt?
Þat is uor noȝt þe oþer sede vor þe folkes herte is
So iharded þat hii beþ deue & blinde iwys


Þat hii nolleþ no god þing ihure ne yse
Þo sede ich were vr louerd wolle euere wroþ be
Wer he nolle grace do & be of milce more
Wanne þat lond after so gret ioye so uol worþ of sore
Wat ende ssal þer of be & wanne eni blis
Oþer confort after such wo þo sede þe oþere þis
A grene wexinge tre þat is fram þe more
Ismite adoun & þe brede of þre londes þer fram ybore
Wanne it is eft bi him sulue wiþoute ech monnes red
Itornd aȝen to is riȝte more þat er was as ded
& biginþ to blowe & suþþe to bere frut
Ȝut me may wo it isucþ to bote hopie ȝut
Þo þe quene & ire broþer harald hurde þis
& roberd þat wardein was of þe paleys ywis


Hii wepe & made deol ynou vor hii seye þe soþnesse
In wuch lecherie & oþer sunne þe prestes songe hor messe
& hou þe heiemen of þe lond þe pouere to grounde broȝte
Þe wreche þat god wole do nas noȝt uor noȝt hii þoȝte
Þe siȝte bitokneþ þus as it was vnder stonde
Þis tre þe noble kinedom bitokneþ of engelonde
Þe more bitokneþ þe riȝte kunde þat ech of oþere come
Fram king alfred þe kunde more þat uerst was yeled at rome
To seint edwardes fader & to him sulue al so
Ac þo he deide wiþoute riȝt eir þe wexinge was ydo
& þat tre ismite fram þe more ouer þre londes brede
Vor þre kinges were of engelond of vnkunde sede
Verst harald þe quene broþer & willam bastard al so
& suþþe is sone willam þe rede king þer to


Ac after þat willam þe rede king issote was bi cas
& þe gode henry is broþer after him king was
Seint edwardes nece þat of is fader kunde com
& of þe riȝte kunde of engelond king henry to wiue nom
Þat was mold þe gode quene þat in gode time was ybore
Þo smot uerst þis tre aȝen to is kunde more
& normandie þoru þe king & þoru þe quene engelond
Iioyned were þo kundeliche as in one monnes hond
Þo seint edward adde þis itold he closede boþe is eye
In þe verþe day of Ieniuer In þis manere he gan deye
In a þousend ȝer of grace & sixe & sixti riȝt
After þat vr suete louerd in is moder was aliȝt
King he was þre & tuenti ȝer & six monþes þer to
& þre wouke & six dawes ar is lif were ydo
Al þe franchise of engelond & al þe ioye of blis
Mid him was uaste ibured þo me burede him ywis


& þat me vond sone afterward mid moni deoluol cas
At westmunstre a tuelfte day þis godemon ibured was
Harald þis false erl þo seint edward ded lay
Him sulue he let crouni king þulke sulue day
Falsliche uor seint edward so wel to him truste
Þat he bitok him engelond þat he it wel wuste
To willames biofþe bastard duc of normandie
Ac him sulue he made king mid such tricherie
Ac þe gode trywemen of þe lond wolde abbe ymad king
Þe kunde eir þe ȝonge child edgar aþeling
Wo so were next king bi kunde me clupede him aþeling
Þeruore me clupede him so vor bi kunde he was next king
Ac harald made his wey biuore as mid suikedom
Mid ȝiftes & mid uaire biheste aueng þe kinedom


So þat some him chose al out & some hom hulde stille
And sofrede as hii noȝt ne miȝte al þe oþeres wille
So þat harald was king to wroþerhele þe kinedom
And seint edwardes siȝte bi him to soþe com
Vor þo bigan þe wowe verst as me miȝte yse
Þat ssolde as seint edward sede bi þre kinges daye be
Vor coste haraldes broþer þat he drof in to flaundre
Bi þe kinges daye edward him sulf to grete sclaundre
He com anon þo upen him mid gret poer & heye
Mid harald darfager king of norþweye
& mid gret poer of norþhumber to euerwik hii come
& muche folk in þe souþ side boþe slowe & nome
King harald com to hom aȝen mid poer strong ynou
Bi side euerwik his ost aȝen him drou


In a stude þat me clupede staunford brugge þo
Ac nou me clupeþ it bataile brugge uor þe bataile þat was þo
Þere hii smite to gadere & made a sori pley
Vor þere was þis cost aslawe & þe king of norþwey
& hor side al bineþe to ende it com so
Þat seint edward biuore sede of þulke breþeren tuo
Þat hii ssolde to gadere fiȝte & harald aboue be
Þer me miȝte of þulke word þe soþnesse yse
Fram anon amorwe uorte mid ouer non
Þe bataile ilaste strong ar he were idon
Þe englisse ouer þe brugge driue þe oþere atte laste
Ac þo þat water was bituene hii stode aȝen vaste
O bodi þer was of norþwey betere nare þer none
Vor he at stod vpe þe brugge mid an ax alone


& drof þe englisse men aȝen him ne miȝte non at stonde
& slou mo þan vourty of hom mid is owe honde
& wuste hom so uorte after non vor te on mid gile nom
A ssip and ar he were iwar vnder þe brugge com
& smot him ar he were ywar vnder þe fondement lowe
Mid a spere & so an hey þat he deide in an þrowe
A stalwarde pece þat was nou god cuþe is soule loue
Þo þoȝte þe englisse uor is deþ þat hii were al aboue
& passede þe brugge anon & slowe to grounde
So þat þe oþer partie bineþe was in a stounde
Þo harald isey is broþer aslawe & þe king arfager
Of norþweie & hor folc he ne held no mon is per
He ne ȝeld noȝt wel hor mede þat wiþ him is fon slowe
Þeruore is men þe lasse hor herte to him drowe


& þat hii kudde him afterward aȝen willam bastard
As ȝe ssolle sone ihure vor he was euere a ssreward
Mvche aþ þe sorwe ibe ofte in engelonde
As ȝe mowe her & er ihure & vnderstonde
Of moni bataile þat aþ ibe & þat men þat lond nome
Verst as ȝe abbeþ ihurd þe emperours of rome
Suþþe saxons & englisse mid batayles stronge
& suþþe hii of denemarch þat hulde it al so longe
Atte laste hii of normandie þat maisters beþ ȝut here
Wonne hit & holdeþ ȝut icholle telle in wuch manere
Þo willam bastard hurde telle of haraldes suikelhede
Hou he adde ymad him king & mid such falshede
Vor þat lond him was bitake as he wel wuste
To wite hit to him wel & he wel to him truste


As þe hende he dude verst & messagers him sende
Þat he vnderstode him bet is dede vor to amende
& þoȝte on þe grete oþ þat he him adde er ydo
To wite him wel engelond & to spousi is doȝter also
& hulde him þerof vorewarde as he bihet ek þe kinge
& bote he dude bi time he wolde sende him oþer tidinge
& seche him out ar tuelf monþe & is riȝtes winne
Þat he ne ssolde abbe in al engelond an herne to wite him Inne
Harald him sende word þat folie it was to truste
To such oþ as was ido mid strengþe as he wel wuste
Vor ȝif a maide treuþe ipliȝt to do an fole dede
Al one priueliche wiþoute hire frendes rede


Þulke vorewarde were uor noȝt & watloker it aȝte her
Þat ich suor an oþ þat was al in þi poer
Wiþ owte conseil of al þe lond of þing þat min noȝt nas
Þeruore nede oþ isuore nede ibroke was
& ȝif þou me wolt seche in engelond ne be þou noȝt so sturne
Siker þou be þou ne ssalt me finde in none hurne
Þo willam hurde þat he wolde susteini is tricherie
He let of sende is kniȝtes of al normandie
To conseili him in þis cas & to helpe him in such nede
& he gan of hor porchas largeliche hom bede
As hii founde suþþe in engelond þo it iwonne was
Þe betere was toward him hor herte uor þis cas
Þe duc willam is wille among hom alle sede
Þat four þinges him made mest biginne þulke dede


Þat godwine haraldes fader to deþe let do
So villiche alfred is cosin & is felawes al so
& uor harald adde is oþ ibroke þat he suor mid is riȝt hond
Þat he wolde to is biofþe witie engelond
& uor seint edward him ȝef engelond al so
& vor he was next of is blod & best wurþe þer to
& uor harald nadde no riȝt bote in falshede
Þes þinges him made mest biginne þulke dede
& uor he wolde þat alle men iseye is trewehede
To þe pope alisandre he sende in such cas him to rede
Haraldes falshede þo þe pope ysey þere
& parauntre me him tolde more þan soþ were
Þe pope asoilede & blessede willam & alle his
Þat into þis bataile mid him ssolde iwis
& halwede is baner þat me at uore him bere
Þo was he & alle his gladdore þan hii er were
So þat þis duc adde aȝen heruest al ȝare
His barons & kniȝtes mid him uorto fare


To þe hauene of sein walri þe duc wende þo
Mid þe men þat he adde & abide mo
After heruest þo hor ssipes & hii al preste were
& wind hom com after wille hor seiles hii gonne arere
& hiderward in þe se wel glad þen wei nome
So þat biside hastinge to engelond hii come
Hom þoȝte þo hii come alond þat al was in hor hond
As sone as þe duc willam is fot sette alond
On of is kniȝtes gradde hold vaste willam nou
Engelond uor þer nis no king bote þou
Vor siker þou be engelond is nou þin iwis
Þe duc willam anon uor bed alle his
Þat non nere so wod to robby ne no maner harm do þere
Vpe þe lond þat it was bote hom þat aȝen him were
Al an fourtene niȝt hii bileuede þer aboute
& conseilede of batayle & ordeinede hor route


King harald sat glad ynou at euerwik atte mete
So þat þer com a messager ar he adde iȝete
& sede þat duc willam to hastinges was icome
& is baner adde arerd & þe contreie al inome
Harald anon mid grete herte corageus ynou
As he of nomon ne tolde þuderward uaste he drou
He ne let noȝt clupie al is folc so willesfol he was
& al for in þe oþer bataile him vel so vair cas
Þo duc willam wuste þat he was icome so nei
A monek he sende him in message & dude as þe sley
Þat lond þat him was iȝiue þat he ssolde him vp ȝelde
Oþer come & dereyni þe riȝte mid suerd in þe velde
Ȝif he sede þat he nadde none riȝte þer to
Þat vpe þe popes lokinge of rome he ssolde it do
& he wolde þer to stonde al wiþoute fiȝte
Wer seint edward hit him ȝaf & wer he adde þer to riȝte


Harald sende him word aȝen þat he nolde him take no lond
Ne no lokinge of rome bote suerd & riȝt hond
Þo hit oþer ne miȝte be eiþer in is side
Conseilede & ȝarkede hom bataile uor to abide
Þe englisse al þe niȝt bi uore uaste bigonne to singe
& spende al þe niȝt in glotonie & in drinkinge
Þe normans ne dude noȝt so ac criede on god uaste
& ssriue hom ech after oþer þe wule þe niȝt ylaste
& amorwe hom let hoseli mid milde herte ynou
& suþþe þe duc wiþ is ost toward þe bataile drou
An stounde he gan abide & is kniȝtes rede
Ȝe kniȝtes he sede þat beþ of so noble dede
Þat nere neuere ouercome ne ȝoure elderne naþemo
Vnder stondeþ of þe kunde of france þat ȝoure elderne dude so wo


Hou mi fader in paris amidde is kinedom
Mid prowesse of ȝoure faderes mid strengþe him ouercom
Vnderstondeþ hou ȝoure elderne þe king nome also
& held him uorte he adde amended þat he adde misdo
& richard þat was þo a child iȝolde normandie
Þat was duc herbiuore & þat to such maistrie
Þat at eche parlement þat he in france were
Þat he were igurd wiþ suerd þe wule he were þere
Ne þat þe king of france ne his so hardi nere
Ne non atte parlement þat knif ne suerd bere
Vnder stondeþ ek þe dedes þat þulke richard dude al so
Þat he ne ouercom noȝt kinges alone ac wel more þer to
Ac he ouercom þe deuel & adoun him caste
To gadere as hii wrastlede & bond is honden vaste


Bihinde at is rugge of such prowesse ȝe þenche
Ne ssame ȝe noȝt þat harald þat euere was of luþer wrenche
& bi uore ȝou was uor suore þat he wolde mid is taile
Turne is wombe toward vs & is face in bataile
Vnderstondeþ þe suikedom þat is fader & he wroȝte
& hii þat mid him here beþ þo hii to deþe broȝte
So villiche alfred mi cosin & my kunesmen al so
Hou miȝte in eny wise More ssame be ido
Monie þat dude þulke dede ȝe mowe her ise
Hou longe ssolle hor luþer heued aboue hor ssoldren be
Adraweþ ȝoure suerdes & loke wo may do best
Þat me ise ȝoure prowesse fram est to þe west
Vor to awreke þat gentil blod þat so villiche was inome
Of vr kunesmen vor we mowe wel vr time is nou icome


Þe duc nadde noȝt al ised þat mid ernest gret
His folc quicliche to þe bataile sscet
A suein þat het taylefer smot uorþ biuore þer
& slou anon an engliss mon þat a baner ber
& ef sone anoþer baneur & þe þridde almest al so
Ac hom sulf he was aslawe ar þe dede were ydo
Þe uerst ende of is ost biuore harald mid such ginne
So þikke sette þat no mon ne miȝte come wiþinne
Wiþ stronge targes hom biuore þat archers ne dude hom noȝt
So þat normans were nei to grounde ibroȝt
Willam biþoȝte an quointise & bigan to fle uaste
& is folc uorþ mid him as hii were agaste
& flowe ouer an longe dale & so vp anhey
Þe engliss ost was prout ynou þo he þis isey


& bigonne him to sprede & after þen wey nome
Þe normans were aboue þe hul þe oþere vpward come
& bi turnde hom aboue al eseliche as it wolde be donward
& þe oþere bineþe ne miȝte noȝt so quicliche vpward
& hii were biuore altosprad þat me miȝte bitwene hom wende
Þe normans were þo wel porueid aboute in eche ende
& stones adonward slonge vpe hom ynowe
& mid speres & mid flon vaste of hom slowe
& mid suerd & mid ax uor hii þat vpward nome
Ne miȝte no wille abbe of dunt as hii þat donward come
& hor vantwarde was to broke þat me miȝte wiþinne hom wende
So þat þe normans uaste slowe in ech ende


Of þe englisse al uor noȝt þat þe valeie was nei
As heie ifuld mid dedemen as þe doune an hei
Þe ssetare donward al uor noȝt vaste slowe to gronde
So þat harald þoru þen eie issote was deþes wounde
& a kniȝt þat isei þat he was to deþe ibroȝt
& smot him as he lay bineþe & slou him as uor noȝt
Fram þat it was amorwe þe bataile ilaste strong
Vorte it was hei midouernon & þat was somdel long
Moni was þe gode dunt þat duc willam ȝef aday
Vor þre stedes he slou vnder him as me say
Vorpriked & uor arnd aboute & uor wounded also
& debrused aȝen dedemen ar þe bataile were ido
& ȝut was willames grace þulke day so god
Þat he nadde no wounde war þoru he ssedde an drope blod


Þus lo þe englisse folc vor noȝt to grounde com
Vor a fals king þat nadde no riȝt to þe kinedom
& come to a nywe louerd þat more in riȝte was
Ac hor noþer as me may ise in pur riȝte nas
& þus was in normannes hond þat lond ibroȝt iwis
Þat anaunter ȝif euermo keueringe þer of is
Of þe normans beþ heyemen þat beþ of engelonde
& þe lowemen of saxons as ich vnderstonde
So þat ȝe seþ in eiþer side wat riȝte ȝe abbeþ þerto
Ac ich vnderstonde þat it was þoru godes wille ydo
Vor þe wule þe men of þis lond pur heþene were
No lond ne no folc aȝen hom in armes nere
Ac nou suþþe þat þet folc auenge cristendom
& wel lute wule hulde þe biheste þat he nom
& turnde to sleuþe & to prute & to lecherie
To glotonie & heyemen muche to robberie


As þe gostes in auision to seint edward sede
Wu þer ssolde in engelond come such wrecchede
Vor robberie of heiemen vor clerken hordom
Hou god wolde sorwe sende in þis kinedom
Bituene Misselmasse & sein luc a sein calixtes day
As vel in þulke ȝere in a saterday
In þe ȝer of grace as it vel al so
A þousend & sixe & sixti þis bataile was ido
Duc willam was þo old nyne & þritti ȝer
& on & þritti ȝer he was of normandie duc er
Þo þis bataile was ydo duc willam let bringe
Vaire is folc þat was aslawe an erþe þoru alle þinge
Alle þat wolde leue he ȝef þat is fon an erþe broȝte
Haraldes moder uor hire sone wel ȝerne him bisoȝte
Bi messagers & largeliche him bed of ire þinge
To granti hire hire sones bodi an erþe vor to bringe


Willam hit sende hire vaire inou wiþoute eny þing ware uore
So þat it was þoru hire wiþ gret honour ybore
To þe hous of waltham & ibroȝt an erþe þere
In þe holi rode chirche þat he let him sulf rere
An hous of religion of canons ywis
Hit was þer vaire an erþe ibroȝt as it ȝut is
Willam þis noble duc þo he adde ido al þis
Þen wey he nom to londone he & alle his
As king & prince of londe wiþ nobleye ynou
Aȝen him wiþ uair procession þat folc of toune drou
& vnderueng him vaire inou as king of þis lond
Þus com lo engelond in to normandies hond
& þe normans ne couþe speke þo bote hor owe speche
& speke french as hii dude atom & hor children dude also teche


So þat heiemen of þis lond þat of hor blod come
Holdeþ alle þulke speche þat hii of hom nome
Vor bote a man conne frenss me telþ of him lute
Ac lowe men holdeþ to engliss & to hor owe speche ȝute
Ich wene þer ne beþ in al þe world contreyes none
Þat ne holdeþ to hor owe speche bote engelond one
Ac wel me wot uor to conne boþe wel it is
Vor þe more þat a mon can þe more wurþe he is
Þis noble duc willam him let crouny king
At londone amidwinter day nobliche þoru alle þing
Of þe erchebissop of euerwik aldred was is name
Þer nas prince in al þe world of so noble fame


Of þe heyemen of þe lond þat hii ne ssolde aȝen biturne
He esste ostage strong inou & hii ne ssolde noȝt wurne
Ac toke him ostage god at is owe wille
So þat ȝif eny aȝen him was huld him þo stille
Ȝif toward edgar aþeling eni is herte drou
Þat was kunde eir of þis lond him huld þo stille ynou
So þat þo þis edgar wuste al hou it was
Þat him nas no þing so god as to feky cas
His moder & is sostren tuo mid him sone he nom
To wende aȝen to þe lond fram wan he er com
A wind þer com þo in þe se & drof hom to scotlonde
So þat after betere wind hii moste þere at stonde
Macolom king of þe lond to him sone hom drou
& vor þe kunne fram wan hii come honoured hom ynou


So þat þe gode Margarete as is wille to com
Þe eldore soster of þe tuo in spoushod he nom
Bi hire he adde an doȝter suþþe þe gode quene mold
Þat quene was of engelond as me aþ er ytold
Þat goderhele al engelond was heo euere ybore
Vor þoru hire com suþþe engelond in to kunde more
In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & sixti þer to
King Macolom spousede Margarete so
Ac king willam þerbiuore aboute an tuo ȝer
Wende aȝen to normandie fram wan he com er
As in þe verste ȝere þat he ueng is kinedom
Ac sone aȝen to engelond a sein nicolas day he com
& kniȝtes of biȝonde se & oþer men al so
He ȝef londes in engelond þat liȝtliche come þer to
Þat ȝute hor eirs holdeþ alonde monion
& deseritede moni kundemen þat he huld is fon


So þat þe mestedel of heyemen þat in engelond beþ
Beþ icome of þe normans as ȝe nou iseþ
& men of religion of normandie al so
He feffede here mid londes & mid rentes al so
So þat vewe contreies beþ in engelonde
Þat monekes nabbeþ of normandie somwat in hor honde
King willam bi þoȝte him ek of þe folc þat was uor lore
& aslawe ek þoru him in þe bataile biuore
& þere as þe bataile was an abbeye he let rere
Of sein Martin uor hor soulen þat þere aslawe were
& þe monekes wel inou feffede wiþoute fayle
Þat is icluped in engelond abbey of þe batayle
Þe abbeye al so of cam he rerde in normandie
Of seinte steuene þat is nou ich wene a nonnerye
He broȝte vp moni oþer hous of religion also
To bete þulke robberie þat him þoȝte he adde ydo
& erles eke & barons þat he made here also
Þoȝte þat hii ne come noȝt mid gode riȝte þer to


Hii rerde abbeis & priories vor hor sunnes þo
As teoskesburi & oseneye & aboute oþer mo
King willam was to mildemen debonere ynou
Ac to men þat him wiþ sede to alle sturnhede he drou
In chirche he was deuout inou vor him ne ssolde no day abide
Þat he ne hurde masse & matines & euesong & ech tide
So varþ monye of þis heyemen in chirche me may yse
Knely to god as hii wolde al quic to him fle
Ac be hii arise & abbeþ iturnd fram þe weued hor wombe
Wolues dede hii nimeþ vorþ þat er dude as lombe
Hii to draweþ þe sely bonde men as hii wolde hom hulde ywis
Þey me wepe & crie on hom no mercy þer nis


Vnneþe was þer eni hous in al normandie
Of religion as abbey oþer priorie
Þat king willam ne feffede here in engelonde
Mid londes oþer mid rentes þat hii abbeþ here an honde
As me may wide aboute in moni contreye ise
Ware þoru þis lond nede mot þe pouerore be
King willam adde ispoused as god ȝef þat cas
Þe erles doȝter of flaundres mold hire name was
Sones hii adde to gadere & doȝtren boþe tuo
As roberd þe courtehese & willam þe rede king al so
Henry þe gode king was ȝongost of echon
Doȝtren he adde al so cecile het þat on
Þe eldoste þat was at cam nonne & abbesse
Constance þe oþer was of brutayne contesse
Þe erles wif alein adele ȝongost was
To steuene bleis ispoused as god ȝef þat cas
& bi him adde ek an sone steuene was is name
Þat suþþe was king of engelond & endede mid ssame


Macolom king of scotlond & edgar aþeling
Þat best kunde in engelond adde to be king
Hulde hom euere in scotlond & poer to hom nome
To worri vpe king willam wanne god time come
& gret compainie of heyemen here in engelonde
Þat ne louede noȝt king willam were þo in scotlonde
Vor king Macolom vnderueng þat aȝen king willam were
& drou hom to him in scotlond & susteinede hom þere
Vor edgar is wiues broþer was kunde eir of þis londe
So þat hii adde of boþe þe londes gret poeir sone anhonde
Ar king willam adde ibe king volliche þre ȝer
Þat folc of denemarch þat þis lond worrede er
Greiþede hom mid gret poer as hii dude er ilome
& mid þre hondred ssipuol men to engelond hii come
Hii ariuede in þe norþ contreye & edgar aþeling
& king Macolom were þo glade þoru alle þing


To hom hii come at homber mid poer of scotlond
& were alle at o conseil to worri engelond
Hii worrede al norþhomberlond & uorþ euere as hii come
So þat þe toun of euerwik & þe castel ek hii nome
& monye heyemen al so of þe contreie aboute
So þat þet folc binorþe ne dorste nour at route
& þo hii adde al iwonne þe contreie þer bi side
Hii ne come no uer souþward ac þer hii gonne abide
Bi tuene þe water of trente & of ouse al so
Þere hii leuede in hor poer vorte winter were ido
Þe king willam abod is time vorte winter was al oute
& þo com he mid gret poer & mid so gret route
Þat hii nadde no poer aȝen him uor to stonde
Ac lete þe king þe maistrie & flowe to scotlonde


& hom to hor owe lond þe deneis flowe aȝe
Þe king destruede þe contreie al aboute þe se
Of frut & of corne þat þer ne bileuede noȝt
Sixti mile fram þe se þat nas to grounde ibroȝt
& al þat þe deneis no mete ne founde þere
Wanne hii come to worri & so þe feblore were
So þat ȝute to þis day Muche lond þer is
As al wast & vntuled so it was þo destrued ywis
King willam adauntede þat folc of walis
& made hom bere him truage & bi hote him & his
Þe seueþe ȝer of is kinedom an alle soule day
Þe quene mold is wif deide þat er longe sik lay
In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & seuenti & þre
Anon in þulke sulue ȝere as it wolde be
Þe king willam uorto wite þe wurþ of is londe
Let enqueri streitliche þoru al engelonde


Hou moni plou lond & hou moni hiden al so
Were in euerich ssire & wat hii were wurþ þer to
& þe rentes of ech toun & of þe wateres echone
Þet worþ & of wodes ek þat þer ne bileuede none
Þat he nuste wat hii were worþ of al engelonde
& wite al clene þat worþ þer of ich vnder stonde
& let it write clene ynou & þat scrit dude iwis
In þe tresorie at westmunstre þere it ȝut is
So þat vre kinges suþþe wanne hii raunson toke
Iredy wat folc miȝte ȝiue hii founde þere in hor boke
Þer was bi king willames daye worre & sorwe inou
Vor no mon ne dorste him wiþsegge he wroȝte muche wou
To hom þat wolde is wille do debonere he was & milde
& to hom þat wiþsede strong tirant & wilde


Wo so come to esse him riȝt of eni trespas
Bote he payde him þe bet þe wors is ende was
& þe more vnriȝt me ssolde him do ac among oþere naþeles
Þoru out al engelond he huld wel god pes
Vor me miȝte bere bi is daye & lede hardeliche
Tresour aboute & oþer god oueral aperteliche
In wodes & in oþer studes so þat no time nas
Þet pes bet isusteined þan bi his time was
Game of houndes he louede inou & of wilde best
& is forest & is wodes & mest þe niwe forest
Þat is in souþhamtessire vor þulke he louede inou
& astorede wel mid bestes & lese mid gret wou
Vor he caste out of house & hom of men a gret route
& binom hor lond ȝe þritti mile & more þer aboute
& made it al forest & lese þe bestes uor to fede
Of poueremen deserited he nom lutel hede


Þeruore þerinne wel mony mis cheuing
& is sone was þer inne issote willam þe rede king
& is o sone þat het richard caȝte þer is deþ al so
& richard is o neueu brec þere is nekke þer to
As he rod an honteþ & par auntre is hors spurnde
Þe vnriȝt ido to poueremen to such mesaunture turnde
Wo so bi king willames daye slou hert oþer hind
Me ssolde pulte out boþe is eye & makye him pur blind
Heyemen ne dorste bi is day wilde best nime noȝt
Hare ne wilde swin þat hii nere to ssame ybroȝt
Þer nas so heymon non þat him enes wiþ sede
Þat me ne ssolde him take anon & to prison lede
Monye heyemen of þe lond in prison he huld strong
So þat muchedel engelond þoȝte is lif to long


Bissopes & abbodes were to is wille echon
& ȝif þat eni him wraþþede adoun he was anon
Þre siþe he ber croune aȝer to midewinter at gloucestre
To witesonetid at westmunstre to ester at wincestre
Þulke festes he wolde holde so nobliche
Wiþ so gret prute & wast & so richeliche
Þat wonder it was wenene it com ac to susteini such nobleye
He destruede þat pouere folc & nom of hom is preye
So þat he was riche him sulf & þat lond pouere al out
Sturne he was þoru out al & heiuol & prout
Suiþe þikke mon he was & of grete strengþe
Gret wombede & ballede & bote of euene lengþe
So stif mon he was in armes in ssoldren & in lende
Þat vnneþe enimon miȝte is bowe bende


Þat he wolde him sulf vp is fot ridinge wel vaste
Liȝtliche & ssete also mid bowe & arblaste
So hol he was of body ek þat he ne lay neuere uaste
Sik in is bed vor non vuel bote in is deþ vuel atte laste
As he wolde some time to normandie wende
Al þat aȝt was in engelond he let somony in ech ende
To salesburi to uore him þat hii suore him alle þere
To be him triwe & holde þe wule he of londe were
Þer to he nom gret peine of hom & fram salesburi to wiȝt
He wende & fram þanene to normandie riȝt
& þe wule he was out of engelond edgar aþeling
Þat riȝt eir was of engelond & kunde to be king
Made is ȝonge soster as god ȝef þat cas
Nonne in þe hous of romeseye cristine hire name was


Þat folc com þo of denemarch to engelond sone
& robbede & destruede as hii were iwoned to done
Þat word in to normandie to king willam com
So gret poer of þulke lond & of france he nom
Mid him in to engelond of kniȝtes & squiers
Speremen auote & bowemen & al so arblasters
Þat hom þoȝte in engelond so muche folc neuere nas
Þat it was wonder ware þoru isousteined it was
Hii of denemarch flowe sone vor hii nadde no poer
Ac þet folc of biȝonde se bileuede alle her
Þat vnneþe al þat lond sustenance hom vond
& þe king hom sende her & þer aboute in engelond
To diuerse men to finde hom mete more þan hor poer was
So þat in ech manere þat lond destrued was
Frut & corn þer failede tempestes þer come
Þondringe & liȝtinge ek þat slou men ilome


Manne orf deide al agrounde so gret qualm þer com þo
Orf failede & eke corn hou miȝte be more wo
Seknesse com ek among men þat aboute wide
Wat vor honger wat uor wo men deide in ech side
So þat sorwes in engelond were wel mony volde
Þe king & oþer riche men wel lute þer of tolde
Vor hii wolde euere abbe ynou wanne þe pouere adde wo
Sein poules chirche of londone was ek vor barnd þo
King willam to normandie þoȝte suþþe atte laste
He sette is tounes & is londes to ferme wel vaste
Wo so mest bode þeruore & þei a lond igranted were
To a man to bere þeruore a certein rente bi ȝere
& anoþer come & bode more he were inne anon
So þat hii þat bode mest broȝte out monion


Nere þe vorewarde no so strong me boȝte is out wiþ wou
So þat þe king in such manere suluer wan ynou
Þo he adde iset is londes so mid such tricherye
So heye & al is oþer þing he wende to normandie
& þere he dude wowe ynou mid slaȝt & robberye
& nameliche vpe þe king of france & vpe is compainie
So þat in þe toun of reins king willam atte laste
Vor eld & uor trauail bigan to febli vaste
Þe king phelip of france þe lasse þo of him tolde
& drof him to busemare as me ofte deþ þan olde
Þe king he sede of engelond halt him to is bedde
& liþ mid is grete wombe at reins a child bedde
Þo king willam hurde þis he made him somdel wroþ
Vor edwit of is grete wombe & suor anon þis oþ
Bi þe vprisinge of ihesu crist ȝif god me wole grace sende
Vor to make mi chirchegong & bringe me of þis bende


Suche wiues icholle mid me lede & such liȝt atten ende
Þat an hondred þousend candlen & mo icholle him tende
Amidde is lond of france & is prute ssende
Þat a sori chirchegong ichcholle him make ar ich þanne we[nde]
Vorewarde he huld him wel inou vor to heruest anon
Þo he sey þat feldes were vol of corne echon
Al þe contreie vol of frut wanne he miȝte mest harm do[n]
He let gadery is kniȝtes & is squiers al so
& þat were is wiues þ at he wiþ him ladde
He wende him in to france & þe contreie ouer spradde
& robbede & destruede him ne miȝte noþing lette
Þe grete cite of medes suþþe afure he sette
Vor me ne miȝte no chirchegong wiþoute liȝte do
Þe cite he barnde al clene & an chirche al so


Of vr leuedi þat þer inne was & an auncre godes spouse
Þat nolde vor no þing fle out of hire house
& monimon & womman ek þer vel in meschaunce
So þat a sori chirchegong hit was to þe king of france
King willam wende aȝen þo al þis was ido
& bigan sone to grony & to febly al so
Vor trauail of þe voul asaut & vor he was feble er
& par auntre vor wreche al so vor he dude so vuele þer
Þo he com to reins aȝen sik he lay sone
His leches lokede is stat as hor riȝt was to done
& iseye & sede al so þat he ne miȝte ofscapie noȝt
Þere was sone sorwe ynou among is men ybroȝt
& he him sulf deol inou & sorwe made al so
& nameliche uor þe muche wo þat he adde anerþe ydo


He wep on god vaste ynou & criede him milce & ore
& bihet ȝif he moste libbe þat he nolde misdo nammore
Er he ssolde þat abbe ydo vor it was þo late ynou
Atte laste þo he isei þat toward is ende he drou
His biquide in þis manere he made biuore is deþ
Willam þe rede al engelond is sone he bi queþ
Þe ȝongore al is porchas ac as lawe was & wone
Normandie is eritage he ȝef is eldoste sone
Roberd þe courtehese & henry þe ȝongoste þo
He biqueþ is tresour vor he nadde sones nammo
He het dele ek poueremen Muche of is tresorie
Vor he adde so muche of hom inome in robberye
Chirchen he let rere al so & tresour he ȝef ynou
To rere vp þe chirche of france þat he barnde wiþ wou


Þe prisons he let of engelond Deliuery echone
& of normandie al so þat þer ne leuede none
Þo deide he in þe ȝer of grace a þousend as it was
& four score & seuene as god ȝef þat cas
He was king of engelond four & tuenti ȝer al so
& duc er of normandie vifty ȝer & tuo
Of elde he was nyne & fifty ȝer þo god him ȝef such cas
Þe morwe after seinte mari day þe later ded he was
In þe abbey of cam ibured was þis king
& henry is ȝonge sone was at is buriing
Ac noþer of is oþer sones vor in france þo
Roberd courtehese was in worre & in wo
& willam anon so is fader engelond him bi queþ
He nolde noȝt abide vor te is fader deþ
Ac wende him out of normandie anon to engelonde
Vorto nime hastiliche seisine of is londe


Þat was him þo leuere þan is fader were
So þat þer nas of is sones bote þe ȝonge henry þere
Willam þe rede king anon so he adde tiþing
Of is fader deþe he let him crouni king
Biuore Misselmasse he was icrouned þre dawes & namm[o]
Of þe erchebissop of Kanterbury lanfranc þat was þo
At westmunstre it was ido wiþoute long targinge
Vor it nas noȝt fourtene niȝt after is fader buriinge
He sende anon as quicliche as he miȝte is sonde
Holde oþes þat men him suore þoru al engelonde
Vor of is eldore broþer he was euere in doute
So þat me suor him holde oþes Into al þe lond aboute
From londone to winchestere he wende to se þere
Þe vaire halle & oþer bold þat is fader let rere
Of is fader tresorie þat was in þulke stude
He delde uor is soule as he adde him sulf ibede


To chirchen & to poueremen he ȝef verst as he ssolde
To abbeys & to priories largeliche of is golde
& to eche chirche of þe lond vif ssillinges me ber
& to eche contreie an hondred pound to dele poueremen þer
Vor me nom it er muchedel of pouere monne god
& þe sone þei he were ssrewe þen vader wel vnderstod
Vor strengþe of wisdom vr louerd him here sende
& atte biginninge þulke tuo to gode al he it wende
Þe wule þe erchebissop lanfranc broȝte him to god red
Ac to vuel he it turnde al þo lanfranc was ded
Ar is fader wonne engelond longe he was ibore
Ac ȝut roberd courtehese þe eldore broþer biuore
Stalwarde was & hardi & god kniȝt þoru alle þing
In batayle & in tornemens er þan he were king


Þe verste ȝer þat he was king worre gret & strong
Bituene him & roberd courtehese þer sprong
Vor muche of þis lond willede roberd courtehese
To be king of engelond ȝif hii miȝte chese
& vor roberd was eldore & eir gret folc he sende al so
Fram normandie to worry & is fader biquide vndo
Ac þe vif pors of engelond kepte hom in þe se
& adreinte & slowe þat hii ne come nammore aȝe
Freinsse men in engelond þer were þere monion
Bissopes & kniȝtes mid king willam echon
Þe bissop ode wiþ him was so wel ich vnder stonde
Þat he tok him poer as wo seiþ of al engelonde
& he bigan mid treson mest to be is fo
& to drawe to him þe heyemen þat in poer were þo
As in þe ȝer of grace a þousend ȝer it was
And four score & eiȝte þat bigan þis cas


In þe gote time of leinte þis false bissop ode
& þe frensse kniȝtes of engelond of þis trayson vnderstode
& heyemen monye of engelond were ek at one rede
Anon after estere hii gonne hom to sprede
And robbi aboute & berne & tounes adoun caste
And wo so eni castel adde astored him wel vaste
A bissop þat het geffray & oþer heyemen mo
Þat þe castel wuste of bristowe such castel as was þo
Baþe & al þe contreie hii robbede in hor route
& þe oþer side berkeleye & þe contreye al aboute
& þe castel of bristowe astorede vaste ynou
Þe barons of herefordssire dude al so gret wou
& þat folc of ssropssire vor hii nome hom alle to rede
& robbede wircestressire In lengþe & in brede


& al þe contreie aboute & to þe toune riȝt
Ac hii founde in þe toun mony a god kniȝt
Vor þe bissop of wurcestere þat þo was seint wulston
In þe castel was of wurcestre & bissopes monion
Sein wulston cride on god to ssulde hom fram hor fon
Þe kniȝtes wel iarmed wende hom out anon
& þoru bone of sein wolston & þoru godes grace
Hii slowe & ouercome vif þousend in þe place
A uerde þer was binorþe þat robbede al so uaste
Þe contreye of norþhumberlond & þe tounes adoun caste
An oþer þer was more souþ þat leicestre ssire
Robbede & destruede & norþhamtessire
So þat engelond was vol of eche wrechede
& to soþe com þat seint edward biuore is deþe sede
Þe bissop ode þat was of þis wowe cheuentein
In kent was & robbede þere mid al is mayn


King willam isei þat he was in alle sorwe ibroȝt
& bote he adde help of is men is fare nas riȝt noȝt
To is barons he sende aboute þat he mest truste to
& bed hom helpe him in is nede oþer is poer were ido
He bihet hom þe beste lawes þat euere were ifounde
To be is help aȝen is fon þat he nere ibroȝt to grounde
Þe heyemen of engelond to abbe hor lawes gode
Come to him in is nede þo hii him vnderstode
& mid gret ost wende uorþ & mid stourdi mode
Toward þe castel of roucestre to seche þe bissop ode
To þe castel of tonebrugge bi þe wey hii come
& asailede him vaste inou & attelaste him nome
Þo tolde me þat bissop ode at pewneseye was
Þis ost wende þuderward mid wel quic pas
& bisegede þen castel six wuke wel vaste
So þat þet folc wiþinne ȝolde hom atte laste


& bissop ode uerst þo þe king him vond
He made him vor is treson vorsuerie engelond
Ac uor þe castel of roucestere & þe toun al so
In þe bissopes poer was & is folc þer inne ido
Þe king him made þuder wende mid is owe folc to Make
Þe folc þat þer Inne was þen castel him vp take
Þo þe bissop & þe kinges men to roucestere come
Hii wiþinne turnde aȝen & hom alle nome
& þe kinges men echone In strong prison caste
Þo þet word to þe king come þuderward he wende vaste
& þen castel bisette & hom wiþinne agaste
So þat hii ȝolde þe king vp þen castel atte laste
& þe king hom made echone þat he þer Inne vond
& þe bissop ode al so vorsuerie engelond
Þo hii were out of engelond hii were bineþe ybroȝt
& alle þat hulde wiþ hom er vor hor poer nas noȝt


Þo þe king was al aboue of noþing he nas aferd
He suor he wolde awreke be of is broþer roberd
To normandie mid is ost in gret wraþþe he gan wende
Vor to winne normandie & is broþer ssende
His broþer gaderede is poer & aȝen him vaste stod
So þat þe worre strong was & gret ssedinge of blod
Hii acordede atte laste in such fourme þere
Þat weþer of hom tueye lengore aliue were
Þat he ssolde be oþeres eir of al þat he adde
Ȝif he of him sulf biȝite non oþer eir nadde
Þis acord was vaste imad þoru strong treuþe inou
Vaste ipliȝt in eiþer side þat noþer ne wiþ drou
So þat þis tueye breþeren gode frend were þo riȝt
Þoru god fourme & strong inou þoru strong treuþe ipliȝt
Þe wule hii were in normandie & engelond so bar
Macolom king of scotlond þer of was iwar


& edgar al so aþeling vor mid gret poer
Hii wende her in to engelond & robbede ver & ner
& barnde & destrude þe norþ contreie vaste
Þer of com to normandie þe tiþinge attelaste
Þe king & Roberd is broþer hor beire poer nome
& wiþ gret ost & strengþe inou to engelond come
& sette vaste aȝen hom so þat in lute stounde
Hor poer of scotlond was ibroȝt to grounde
Þo wende uorþ roberd courtehese & edgar aþeling
& acordede Macolom & willam ur king
So þat þis Macolom nere he no so prout
Dude king willam omage & bicom is man al out
And acorded hii were alle voure as willam vr king
And king Macolom & roberd & edgar aþeling
Þo bileuede roberd almest uorte cristemasse
Mid is broþer in engelond bote tueye dawes lasse


Ac in wiȝt he wende þo & so to normandye
& edgar aþeling mid him as in god compaynie
Þo adde willam vr king in pes al engelond
& to him vaste iobliged þe king of scotlond
Luþer he was arst inou & wel wors he was þo
He dude abbeys & priories in þat lond wel wo
His strengþe & is wisdom as ich abbe er ised
He turnde to luþernesse þo lanfranc was ded
Tweye luþer lawes he adde wiþ him al out
In speninge he was fol large In herte þoru out prout
Vor is prute he ne tolde of god ne of man riȝt noȝt
Ne after no red he nolde do bote after is luþer þoȝt
Milce nas þer mid him non ne no Manere Mekhede
Ac as a tirant tormentor in speche & ek in dede
Vor he was no fol large as robbeour he was
And destruede al þat lond þat no god alonde nas


Þer ne ssolde no mete ne drinke bote it ouer dere
Come wiþinne is wombe ne cloþ ouer is suere
Wanne it come biuore him he nolde þer of noȝt
Nere it no so lute worþ bote it were ouerdere yboȝt
As is chanberlein him broȝte ar he aros aday
Amorewe uor to werie a peire hosen of say
He esste wat hii costnede þre ssillinges þe oþer sede
Fi a debles quaþ þe king wo sey a so vil dede
King to werye eny cloþ bote hit costnede more
Buy a peire of a marc oþer þou ssalt acorie sore
A worse peire of inou þe oþer suþþe him broȝte
& sede hii were of a marc & vnneþ so ibouȝte
Ȝe belamy quaþ þe king þes were wel iboȝt


In þis manere serue me oþer þou ne ssalt me serue noȝt
Þe tour he made of londone willam þe rede king
& þe muchel halle of westmunstre þat so noble is þoru alle þing
Þo he to þis halle com he chidde & made him wroþ
Vor he was bi þe haluendel to lute he suor is oþ
Him ne roȝte hou he spende ne wat he was so prout
Þeruore he destruede þat londfolc al out
So þat in is luþerhede to gloucestere he wende
& þere þei it lute were siknesse god him sende
In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & four score & þrettene
Hit was þat he lay sik at gloucestre ich wene
Þo dradde he sore of is deþ & is misdede of þoȝte sore
& bi het god þat he nolde be luþermon nammore


Ac þat he wolde to engelond & to holi chirche also
Be god & amendi þat he adde misdo
King Macolom hurde telle þerof in scotlonde
To him to gloucestere sone he sende is sonde
& bed him vor is trywenesse þe vorewarde abbe in þoȝt
Þat bituene hom was ymad þat he breke it noȝt
Þe king him sende word aȝen to be triwe & hende
And bed him al sauf to him to gloucestre wende
And Make him obligacion & ostage him gan sende
Þat he ssolde to him come al sauf in ech ende
Macolom ileuede þis & to gloucestere þen wey nom
Ac þe king he vond in such point þo he þuder com
Þat he ne miȝte wiþ him speke aȝen he wende wroþ
& þer of he wolde be awreke he suor is more oþ
Vaste he ȝarkede is poer þo he com to scotlonde
& wende aȝen to worri her vp engelonde
& robbede & barnde & sone þoru godes sonde
He vond hard encontre in norþhumberlonde


Vor þe erl of norþhomberlond sire roberd de Mounbrey
Nas noþing wel ipaid mid king Macolomes pley
Þat he destrued so is lond he ȝarkede vaste
His poer & ȝef him bataile atte laste
Þer was king macolom aslawe & edward is sone al so
Þat was is sone & is eir & muche of is folc þer to
Þe tiþinge sone com to Margarete is wif
Þat boþe ire louerd & ire sone adde ilore þat lif
Heo let hire ssriue & hoseli & vnneþe out et
Ar heo uor deol & sorwe & anguisse þat lif let
Þo was willam oure king al quit of þulke fon
Vor þer ne bileuede of hor children aliue bote on
Mold þat was þe gode quene þat euere worþ in munde
Vor þoru hire com uerst engelond aȝen to riȝte kunde
Kyng willam keuerede aȝen to hele al to sone
& dude alonde wou inou as is wone was to done


A god pope was þulke time at rome þat het vrban
Þat prechede of þe croyserie & croysede moni a mon
Þer of he sende prechors þoru al cristendom
& him sulf a þes half þe mouns & to france com
And prechede so vaste & wiþ so gret wisdom
Þat aboute in eche londe þe crois vaste me nom
In þe ȝer of grace aþousend & fourscore & sixtene
Þis grete croiserie bigan þat longe was isene
Of so muche folc nyme þe croys ne to þe holy londe go
Me ne sey no tyme biuore ne suþþe naþemo
Vor sulue wimmen ne bileuede þat hii ne wende þuder vaste
Ne ȝong folc þei hii feble were þe wule þe veage ilaste
So þat roberd courtehese þuderward is herte caste
& among oþere gode kniȝtes ne þoȝte noȝt be þe laste


He wende here to engelond vor þe croiserye
& leide willam is broþer to wedde normandye
& borewede þer uppe of him an hondred þousend mare
To wende wiþ to þe holy lond & þat was somdel stare
He adde arst duc of normandie nye ȝer ybe
Þo he adde þis tresour he gan him bet bi se
Þe erl roberd of flaundres mid him wende al so
& eustans erl of boloyne & moni god kniȝt þer to
Þer wende þe due geffray & þe erl baldewine þere
& þe oþer baldewine al so þat noblemen were
& kinges suþþe alle þre of þe holy lond
Þe erl steuene þe bles wende ek þat gret poer adde an hond
Þat roberdes soster courtehese ispoused adde to wiue
Þer wende ȝut oþer kniȝtes þe beste þat were aliue
As þe erl of sein gile þe gode reimond
& vel þe kinges broþer of france & þe erl beaumond


& tancred is neueu & þe bissop al so
Of podie & sire hue þe grete erl þer to
& folc also wiþoute tale of al þis west ende
Of engelond of france þuderward gonne wende
Of normandie of denemarch of norþweye of brutayne
Of walis & of yrlonde of gascoyne & of spayne
Of prouence & of saxoyne & of alymayne
Of scotlond & of grece of rome of Aquitayne
Me ne hurde neuere þat god so vair grace an erþe sende
Þat so muche folc at o tyme to þe holy lond wende
Þis folc at constantinoble biuore þe emperour
Alex þat was þo come wiþ gret honour
Suþþe hii dude hom in þe se and ariuede atte laste
Suþþe þe toun of nyce hii bisegede vaste
Hii departede verst hor ost as in vour partye
And at ech of þe vour ȝates sette an compaynie
Vor roberd courtehese Mid þe poer þat was his
& þe erl of flaundres were iset at þe est ȝate ywis


Atte norþȝate was tancred & þe duc biaumond
Atte souþȝate was þe bissop & þe gode erl reimond
And þe duc godefray & steuene de bleys al so
And sire hue þe grete erl atte west ȝate were ido
Hii bigonne an hal þores euen þen toun to asaili þere
Stalwardliche & vaste inou noblemen as it were
Hit þoȝte þat al þe eir aboute vol was of cri anon
& þat me ne miȝte noȝt ise bote arwen & flon
& stones out of liþeren & of magnels al so
Muche was þe manslaȝt þat þere was ido
Vor hii wiþinne versse were wiþoute trauail & tene
& adde hor ginnes to sseten out & þe wal hom was bitwene
Þe cristine failede of al þis war þoru in a stounde
Alas muchedel of hom was ibroȝt to grounde


And naþeles as noblemen hii assailede euere vaste
So þat to þe toun walle hii come atte laste
And þe oþere hadde ilore hor ssute of bowe & of arblaste
Ne hii ne miȝte vor oþer ginnes stones vp hom caste
Þe cristinemen dolue vaste & þen wal velde adoun
So þat þe sarazins ȝolde hom þen toun
Þat was þe chef cite of þe lasse asye
So þat þe cristinemen adde þer þe maistrie
& tresour founde & stor inou hii astorede hom wel þere
& reste hor gode bodies þat wel wery were
After six wouke & þre dawes þat hii þuder come
Hii greiþede hom & þen wey to antioche nome
Out of nyce hii wende þo of Iul þe verste day
Ich wene a uair compainie neuere mon ne say
Vor aboute seue hondred þousend of gode bodies þer were
& ȝut þer was al to muche bihinde aslawe þere


As hii wende toward antioche hii bihulde an hey
So þat in þe firmament þat folc hom þoȝte hii sey
A long suerd red as fur þe point ssarp inou
& ouer painime estward þat point hom þoȝte drou
Of þis siȝte hii were glad vor hom þoȝte it was tokninge
Þat god wolde þe sarazens In hor poer bringe
Hor compainie þat was þo wair hii delde verst atuo
In þe one roberd cortehese cheuentein was ido
& þe erl beumond & tancred & þe gode kniȝt richard
De prices & euerard de ponsat & achard
De monmerloy & mony oþere & þo þis was al ȝare
Vorþ hii wende & þe oþer folc bi an oþer wei elles ware
As þis gode compainie þen riȝte wey uor nome
Þe heþene were of hom iwar & aȝen hom come


Þre hondred þousend & sixty þousend wiþoute folc of arabie
So muche þat þer nas non noumbre of hor compainye
Þe cristine were of þe sarazins an onywar biset
& vor þe sarazins were ywar hom spedde wel þe bet
Batayle hii smite strong inou ac as icholde noȝt
Vor þe cristinemen were nei to grounde ibroȝt
Of trompes & of tabors þe sarazins made þere
So gret noyse þat cristinemen al destourbed were
Vor hor hors were al astoned & nolde after wille
Siwe noþer spore no bridel ac some stode stille
& some lepte her & þer so þat hii were icome
In wille to fle cristinemen & bigonne to fle some
Þo arnde uorþ þe noble kniȝt roberd courtehese
Kniȝtes he sede wat wolle ȝe vuele ȝe doþ chese
Ne se ȝe þat ȝare hors beþ suiftore þan ȝoure be
Þat ȝe beþ dede anon ȝif ȝe wolle fle


Deie we raþer wiþ onour & siweþ me in þis place
Vor icholle mi lif dere inou sulle þoru godes grace
He turnde is stede wiþ god eir & atte biginninge
He smot þoru out wiþ a launce on of hor hexte kinge
And an oþer gret maister he slou & ef sone þe þridde
His felawes smite uorþ wiþ him & were sone amidde
Boþe tancred & biaumond & Richard de prince al so
And þis oþere gode kniȝtes gode herte hom nome to
& smite al anywe bataile & to grounde slowe vaste
So þat fram þe oþer ost þer com atte laste
Sire hue þe grete erl & auncel de ripemond
Mid an hondred kniȝtes pur versse & sound
& þe sarazines ost wax al so vaste
So þat tueie of oure princes aslawe were atte laste
Vor willam tancredes broþer an heþene king com to
& smot him þoru mid a lance & he him al so


So þat hii were boþe dede & al so sire godefray
De mount scabiouse was aslawe weilaway
Vor as he an kniȝtes heued of arabie of smot
& he & his armure were þoru out hot
On sset him þoru out mid an arwe þere
So þat þis tueye gode kniȝtes of cristine aslawe were
Þis batayle laste þus fram morwe vor to non
So þat þe verste cristine ost was nei wat ydon
Vor þer adde vewe aliue ofscaped in þe place
Ȝif vr louerd hom nadde isend help þoru is grace
Vor hor felawes of þe oþer ost al versse to hom drowe
Verst þe duc godefray mid gode kniȝtes ynowe
& in þe riȝthalf of is ost þe baldewines tueye
Were & gouernede þe ost mid hor poer beye
& steuene þe bleis mid is ost þe luft side nom
& Roberd erl of flaundres after þulke ost com


Mid is poer gret inou ac þe ost in þe riȝt side
Sywede þe gode reimond mid is ost wel wide
& vot folc wiþoute noumbre & þanne þe bissop drou
In anoþer alf of an hul wiþ gret poer ynou
Þe sarazins in no bataile neuere ȝut so uaste
Foȝte ne so stifliche þe wule hor poer ylaste
Ac þo þis noble kniȝtes al verss up hom come
Hii þat miȝte of scapie sone hor red nome
& hor duc soliman & bigonne to fle vaste
So þat þis cristinemen bileuede atte laste
Maistres in þe velde mid gret wo þei it were
& of armes & of oþer þinge gret preye awey bere
So þat hii were þe bet astored & hor ost al so
In þe bigininge of Iul þis bataile was ido
Þo wende uorþ þis compainye wiþ moni a noble man
& wonne tars wiþ strengþe & suþþe toxan


& to yrenebrugge fram þanene hii wende
& vr louerd atte laste to antioche hom sende
Þat in þe biginning of þe lond of sirie is
Anon vpe sein lukes day þuder hii come ywis
& bisegede þe cite & asailede vaste
& hii wiþinne aȝen hom stalwardeliche caste
So þat after cristemasse þe sarazins red nome
& þat folc of ierusalem & of damache come
Of alef & of oþer londes gret poer ynou
& to socouri antioche uaste þuderward drou
So þat þe erl of flaundres & beumond atte laste
Mid tuenti þousend of men aȝen hom wende vaste
& smite an bataile wiþ hom & þe ssrewen ouercome
& þe cristine wende aȝen mid þe preye þat hii nome
In þe monþe of feuerer þe sarazins ef sone
Ȝarkede hom a gret ost as hii were iwoned to done
& wende toward antioche to helpe hor kunde blod


Þe compainie of cristinemen þis wel vnderstod
To bisegi þis castel hor votmen hii lete
& þe kniȝtes wende uorþ þe sarazins to mete
Iarmed & an horse wel & in six partye
Ar hii wende to ver hii delde hor compainye
Of þe verste roberd courtehese hii chose to cheuentein
& of þe oþer þe noble duc godefray of alimain
Of þe þridde þe gode remound þe verþe þe gode manne
Þe erl of flaundres hii bitoke & þe vifte þanne
Hii bitoke þe bissop of podye þe sixte partie þo
Þe gode tancred & beumond þo nere þer nammo
Þes tueye adde þe meste ost þat as standard was þere
Vor to helpe hor felawes wanne hii weri were
Þis cristine & þis sarazins to gadere hom sone mette
& as stalwardemen to gadere vaste sette


& slowe to grounde her & þer ac þe heþene side
Wax euere verss & verss of folc þat com wide
So þat þis cristinemen were al at grounde nei
Þo beumond wiþ is ost þis grete sorwe isei
He & tancred & hor men þat al versse were
Smite vorþ as noblemen in to þe bataile þere
& sturede hom so nobliche þat Ioye it was to se
So þat hor felawes þat were vpe þe point to fle
Nome to hom gode herte & voȝte vaste inou
Robert uerst courtehese is gode suerd adrou
& smot anne vpe þe helm & an such stroc him ȝef
Þat þe scolle & þe teþ & nekke & ssoldren he to clef
Þe duc godefray al so god vpe þe scolle smot on
& uorclef him al þat bodi to þe sadel anon
Þe on half vel adoun anon þe oþer bileuede stille
In þe sadel þei it wonder were as it was godes wille


Þis hors bere uorþ þis haluemon among is felawes anon
& hii uor þe wonder cas in drede velle echon
Wat uor drede þer of & uor strengþe of hor fon
More ioye þan þer was nas neuere iseie non
In biginninge of leinte þis bataile was ydo
& ȝut sone þer after an oþer com al so
Vor þe sarazins in paynime ȝarkede volc inou
& þat folc þo it ȝare was to antioche drou
Þo þe cristine it vnderȝete aȝen hii wende vaste
So þat hii mette hom & smite an bataile attelaste
Ac þe cristine cride al on god & god ernest nome
& þoru þe grace of ihesu crist þe paens hii ouercome
& slowe to grounde here & þer þe oþer flowe anon
So þat at a narwe brugge þer adreintte monion
Þer ofscapede vewe aliue so narw þe brugge was


Þat hii nere adreint oþer aslawe & þat was a uair cas
Þe vrninde water was of hor blod al red
Wat adreint wat aslawe tuelf princes þer were ded
Þat me clupeþ amirails a uair cas it was on
Þe cristinemen adde of hom of armure gret won
Of gold & of seluer ek & þer after hii nome
Þe haueden of þe hexte Maisters & to antioche come
& leide is in hor ginnes & in to þe cite is caste
Þo hii wiþinne iseie þis sore hii were agaste
Þat hor maistres were so aslawe hii gonne drede sore
Hii hulde it lute worþ þen toun to wite More
Þe cristine men hom wuste ek so vaste wiþoute
Þat hom ne miȝte come no mete þe more was hor doute
A maister þat was wiþinne sende to þe erl beumond
To ȝelde vp is warde to ben hol & sound


Ar his felawes were iwar he ȝeld him vp þere
Þre toures of þe cite þat in is warde were
Þo beumond þer inne was is baner anon let rere
Þo sarazins it iseie hii were somdel in fere
& hulde hom al ouercome þe cristine anon come
& þis toun vpe þis luþermen as vor noȝt hii nome
& slowe al þat hii founde bote wuch so miȝte fle
& astorede hom of hor tresour as me miȝte ise
Þus was þe þridde day of Iun antioche inome
& as al in þulke side þe sarazins ouercome
Þis was sone wide in painime ibroȝt
So þat þe princes of painime were in gret þoȝt
& sende euerich to oþer so þat corboran
Þat was maister of þe grete ost vnder þe soudan
& þe king of Ierusalem & of damache al so
Gaderede as gret poer as hii miȝte do
& come vpe þis cristinemen mid gret ost atte laste
Mid þe grete strengþe of painime & bisege hom uaste


Her adde lo þis cristinemen as ȝe ssolle ihure
Muche wo þe wule god wolde þat it ssolde dure
Hii bisegede vaste þe toun so þat þe þridde day
Þe cristine ost smot him out þo he time isay
& hopede do gode nede ac bote lute worþ it nas
Vor of þe luþer sarazens so gret poer þer was
Þat þe cristinemen aȝen flowe In wel vawe
& ȝute manie ar hii come in were ibroȝt of dawe
In þe toune hii hulde hom & vawe þat hii miȝte
Vor hii nadde poer ynou wiþoute vor to fiȝte
Þe sarazins wiþoute wuste so euerich ende
Þat no maner liflode ne miȝte to hom wende
So þat þo hii adde ispend þat wiþinne was
More honger þan hii adde neuere iseye nas
Vor an ey to tueie ssillinges wel vawe þo hii boȝte
& an hen vor viftene & vawe þat me is broȝte


& a note vor a peni so þat hii ete
Hor hors & hor hiden & assen ar hii lete
Wo þat miȝte weodes abbe & þe roten gnawe
Oþer seþe & Make potage was þer of wel vawe
Vor honger deide monion hou miȝte be more wo
Muche was þe sorwe þat among hom was þo
No maner hope hii nadde to amendement to come
Vor hii ne miȝte armes bere so hii were ouercome
Atte laste vr suete louerd þoȝte on þis dede
& com to an holi man & þes wordes sede
Go seye þe cristinemen of þe west ende
Þat ich abbe her biuore ibe hom god & hende
& þat ich made hom verst winne of nice þe cite
& moni oþer bataile þe wule hii seruede me
& þe cite of antioche þat so strong was in ech ende
& þo ichom adde al þis ido fram me hii gonne wende


& dude sunne of lecherie & þat is mest in mi munde
Mid wimmen of painime hii dude hor foule kunde
War of þe stench com in to heuene an hey
Þe godemon to vr louerdes vet vel þat þis isey
Louerd ȝif it is þi wille In þis grete nede he sede
Help hom & vorȝif hom þulke sunuol dede
Ich hom abbe quaþ vr louerd iholpe er ywis
& ȝut icholle her after more go & seie hom þis
Þat hii turne aȝen to me & icholle to hom saun faile
& wiþinne vif dawes mid hom be mi sulf in bataile
Here ȝe mowe ise þat an vewe wiþ sunne of lecherie
Mowe binime grace of god to al an compaynie
Þis holimon wende vorþ & tolde þis men vore
Þat hii adde iwonne grace & wy hii it adde vor lore


Þo hii adde iwonne grace gret Ioye was þere
In vastinge & in orisons þre dawes hii were
Massen & processions hii made monion
Wiþ wop & god deuocion hii lete hom ssriwe echon
Þo hii were wel issriue wiþ god deuocion
Wepinde hii armed hom þe teres orne adoun
Hor ost hii delde a seuene & þe verst hii toke
Þe erl of flaundres & sire hue þe gret erl to loke
Þe oþer þe due godefrai & þe erl baldewine al so
Þe þridde roberd courtehese þat best it couþe do
Vor he was best kniȝt of alle no felawe hii nolde him loke
Þe bissop of podye þe verþe ost hii toke
& sire willam de Monpeilers þe vifte hii toke riȝt
Sire Richard de prince & tancred þe gode kniȝt
Þe sixte þe erl of rusinole & þe erl beumond al so
Hii bitoke to gouerni þo al þis was ydo


In onour of þe holi gost þe seueþe hii made þo
& made þer of cheuentein sire Reinaud & nammo
Sire reinaud wiþ god compainie þen toun wuste bihinde
Þat hor men ȝif hii nede adde recet miȝte vinde
Þo al was prest as hii wolde hii blessede hom echon
& toke hom alle to godes grace & to bataile wende anon
Þer was gret criinge on god & moni a wepinde eye
Of hom þat bileuede at om & þe bataile iseye
Of bissopes & prestes & men of religion
& clerkes þat þer were mid gret deuocion
Reuestede hom in chirche & on god gonne crye
Wepinde wiþ procession & songe þe letanye
& oþer gode orisons to bidde vor hom alle
& vor to se þe bataile stode vpe þe tour walle
Þe heþenemen in hor alf so glade neuere nere
As hii were uor þis bataile in so gret hope hii were


Þo hii were al ȝare in hor half & cristine men come
Þe ssrewen in þe wind half gret plente of hei nome
& sette it aȝen þe cristinemen afure in ech ende
Þat þe smoke þer of ssolde boþe stenche & blende
Ac vr louerd þat aȝen hom was bigan þe winde wende
& þe smoke þat hii made cristinemen to ssende
Riȝt in hor owe teþ bigan hom euene sende
So þat it was hor owe harm þat hii it lete tende
Þe cristine Men vpe hom come mid god ernest ynou
& vor þe smoke so euene In hor teþ drou
& vor vr louerd him sulf was þere mid is sonde
Þe ssrewen nadde no poer no wule to atstonde
& a uair compainie al so þer com
Of holimen þat wule þoleden Martirdom


Vpe vaire wite stedes & in vair armure al so
Sein George þe verste was & oþer martir þer to
Of montaines hii come adoun driue vaste inou
In eiþer alf þe compainie vpe þe ssrewene þo drou
Þat hii were to grounde aslawe & hii flowe þat miȝte
Þus vr louerd & seint George hor fon couþe diȝte
Þe cristine men leide euere on & slowe euere to grounde
Al clene þe ssrewen were confounded in a stounde
Of gode hors ne of armes þe cristinemen ne founde
So gret plente neuere as hii founde in þulke stounde
Anon after midsomer þis bataile ido was
A seinte peteres eue ywis as god ȝef þat cas
In þe ȝer of grace aþousend & four score & eiȝtetene
Betere bataile þeraboute nas neuere ido ich wene


An amirail þer biside þat a castel wuste
Ȝeld him vp to cristinemen þo he nuste war to truste
& auenge cristendom & oþer castles al so
Me ȝeld hom vp wel astored þo al þis was ido
So þat þis cristinemen so wel astored nere
Of armes ne of tresorie neuere as hii so were
Þo ȝarkede hii hor ost vorþ uor to wende
Toward ierusalem as god hom wolde sende
Biuore seint andrewes day to Marra atte laste
Hii come wiþ hor poer & asailede him vaste
An quointe tour hii lete make eueridel of tre
Vpe four woeles al so strong as he miȝte be
Vpe þe weoles it was idriue & gode kniȝtes þer Inne
Hii asaylede so þe toun wiþ strengþe & wiþ ginne
Þe endleueþe dai of decembre þe toun hii wonne so
& bileuede þer inne vorte midewinter were ido


Vor þer wax þere a strif bituene þe erl beumond
Vor þe toun of antioche & sire reimond
Weþer ssolde abbe þe cite so þat hii bileuede þere
A monþe & four dawes ar hii acorded were
So muche honger hii adde þer ar hii þen toun lete
Þat hii sode þe saracens & þat fless ete
Þe vourteþe day of Ieneuer vor honger þanne hii wende
& vr louerd wel bitime bote þer of hom sende
Vor hii wonne tueye castles þat muche god was inne ido
& suþþe þe toun of Zephaile þat muche god was Inne also
& In þe valeie of desem an riche castel hii nome
To þe castel of arches In feuerer suþþe hii come
& bisegede him vaste mid strengþe & mid ginne
Þre monþes ar hii miȝte mid strengþe come þer inne


Þer was auncel of ripemond a god kniȝt to deþe ido
& sire willam picard & moni oþere al so
Þere hii helde hor ester & vorþore hii wende þo
Wannc þe castel iwonne was & tounes nome mo
Þe king of camele made pays & an amirail al so
& ȝeue hom gret garison hom non harm to do
So hii wende to triple & þen toun nome
& slowe so moni sarazins þo hii þuder come
Þat alle þe wateres in ech ende aboute þe toun were
& diches & puttes rede of blode þere
Viftene hors of pris þe king of þe londe
& viftene þousend besans he sende hom bi is sonde
Þat hii lete is lond in pes & hii vawe it nome
So þat in þe monþe of Iun to ierusalem hii come


Þe seueþe day of þe Monþe anon hii bigonne
Vor to sette hor folc ariȝt þat þe cite were iwonne
Hii sette Robert courtehese & his poer al so
As hor beste kniȝt in þe est side þe asaut vor to do
Þe duc godefray & tancred In þe west ende iwis
In þe souþhalf sire Reimond as þe hul of syon is
Þe cite hii asailede mid strengþe & mid ginne
Ac so strong he was þat hii ne miȝte so liȝtliche him winne
Hii lete hom ginnes make as verst of þe toure
Of tre imad strong inou vpe weoles foure
A gyn þat me sowe clupeþ hii made ek wel strong
Muche folc Inne vor to be boþe wid & long
In roberdes side courtehese & þe duc Godefray
As it vel of þe monþe of Iun þe vifteþe day
Hii asailede þe toun mid þis tour wel uaste
& wilde fur wiþ pich & grece wiþ ginnes In caste


& vorbarnde hous & oþer & muche folc al so
& god sende wind gret inou þat þe bet it was ido
Þat wiþinne was sorwe inou hor poer wanede vaste
Þe cristine were riȝt atte walle so þat atte laste
Mid laddren hii clomme vp & þen toun nome
& slowe þe ssrewen to grounde þo hii in come
In þe temple salomon ten þousend hii slowe
In eche stude ware hii were monie & ynowe
& some adoun of þe walles velle vor fere
& debrisede oþer adreinte so þat hii ded were
So þat godes kniȝtes made þo as at ene
Ihesu cristes cite of þe deueles limes clene
Þo hii were alle aslawe þat hii ne founde quic non
Þe bodies hii gaderede & vorbarnde hom echon
Vor stenche wanne hii rotede so þat hii were
Wiþoute soylure in clannesse al out maisters þere


Þo wende hii to þe sepulcre þat god was on ido
& to oþer gode holi studes þat hii miȝte come to
Vor wan so muche trauail hii adde isoffred er
& onourede þe gode holi studes wiþ gode wille þer
Wiþ wop & deuocion so þat man aliue
Ne ssolde telle þe teres þat hii lete so riue
Þo hii adde iwonne þo as wo seiþ þat lond
Hii þoȝte uor to make it vast in cristinemonne hond
& among hom alle hii bigonne an king to chese
Þo chose hii as uor þe beste bodi Roberd courtehese
To be king of þe holi lond & chef of cristendom
& me wende þoru godes wille such grace hom to com
Roberd him biþoȝte þo & gan him vnder stonde
Þat it was wel gret trauail to be king of þulke londe
& somdel toward engelond he ber al so is þoȝt
War þoru he sede al out þat he nolde be it noȝt


& vorsoc it al out in luþer time ich drede
Vor gode wate afterward he nadde in none dede
Vor þe beste kniȝt of þe world he was iholde þo
& god hap þer afterward ne com him neueremo
Vor wanne god wolde þat he were þer in is seruise
& he vorsok it vor trauail he ne dude noȝt as þe wise
He was willames sone bastard as ich abbe ised ilome
& wel iwoxe ar is fader to engelond come
Þikke mon he was inou bote he nas noȝt wel long
Quarre he was & wel ymad vor to be strong
Þeruore is fader in a time isey is stourdi dede
Þe wule he was ȝong & bihuld & þes wordes sede
Bi þe vprisinge of god Robelin me ssal ise
Courtehese mi sone her stalwarde kniȝt be
Vor he was somdel ssort he clupede him courtehese
& he ne miȝte neuereft afterward þulke name lese


Oþer lak nadde he non bote he nas noȝt wel long
He was quointe of conseil & speke & of bodi strong
Neuere ȝut mon in cristendom ne miȝte ne in painime
In bataile bringe adoun of is hors none time
Vor þe prowesse of is bodi & uor he kinges sone was
Ichose he was þe hexte prince in þe world in þes cas
& he it vorsok vnhendeliche & in vaire manere none
To segge he was vnwurþe þerto bote uor trauail one
Þeruore vr louerd it vnderstod as ȝe ssolle sone ihure
& sende him reste in prison þe wule is lif wolde dure
Þet folc þo in ierusalem þe duc godefrai tok
& made him king of þe lond þo Roberd it uorsok
In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & nientene & niene
Þis stalwarde cristine volc þis worre broȝte to fine


After þe duc godefray baldewine was king
& after him þe oþer baldewine god kniȝt þoru alle þing
& after him gaufrid duc of aungeo
& Gaufrid is sone after him þat god kniȝt was al so
& helde euerich after oþer þe boru & þat lond
Mid strengþe & mid chiualerie in cristine monne hond
Ac Roberd courtehese & þe erl Roberd of flaundres
& þe erl Reimond wende hom hom to grete sclaundres
Ac roberd courtehese þo he hom com
Willames doȝter conuersance in poile to wiue nom
& nom wiþ hire gret garison to bringe hom out of tene
An sone þat het willam hii adde hom bituene
Uillam þe rede king of wan we abbeþ ised
Bileuede here in engelond luþer euere & qued


Vor abbeyes & priories al to gronde he broȝte
& holi chirche & þat lond he destruede al to noȝte
Vor wanne eny bissop oþer abbod deide in engelond
Hor londes & hor rentes þe king huld in is honde
& oþer wile to ferme tok vorte þerafter longe
Þat is gode wille com vp an heued vor to auonge
Wo so were of take mid hert oþer hinde
Me ssolde smite of is heued ȝif me him miȝte finde
Þikke mon he was ynou round & noȝt wel long
Þoru out red mid grete wombe wel iboned & strong
Renable nas he noȝt of tonge ac of speche hastif
Boffinde & mest wanne hii were In worre oþer in strif
God sende uor is luþernesse moni deoluol cas
In þis lond & wonderuol þe wile he aliue was


Vor in þe secunde ȝer as it vel of is kinedom
Þoru out al engelond so gret erþgrine com
Þe enlefte day in heruest þat it caste adoun
Hous & chirchen monyon & in mony a toun
Frut failede al þulke ȝer & heruest late al so
Þat it was seint andrewes tid ar heruest were ydo
Þe verþe ȝer of is kinedom so gret liȝtinge þer was
& þondre aboute sein lukes day þat wel grislich it was
& a wind a sein lukes eue at londone in þe toun
So gret it com þat it fulde moni hous adoun
Ȝe mo þan six hondred & chirchen þerto
& seinte Marie chirche of þe arches gret arm it dude also
Vor þe rof it ber al awei & tueie men it slou
& þoru out al þat lond it dude sorwe inou


So gret liȝtinge was þe vifte ȝer so þat al to noȝte
Þe rof of þe chirche of salesburi it broȝte
Riȝt euene þe vifte day þat he ihalwed was
Þe sixte ȝer þer com also a wel wonder cas
Vor so gret rein Me ne sei vale ȝer ne flod
& so gret forst in winter þer com al so god
Þat þer nas non so heuy charge of wayn ne of oþer þinge
Þat me ne miȝte ouer grete wateres boþe lede & bringe
Gret wonder & dere of þing þe seueþe ȝer me sai
& so gret manqualm þat monimon al vnbured lay
Þe teþe ȝer a sterre þat comete icluped is
At alle halwen tid him ssewede viftene niȝt ywis


Þat þe taylede sterre men clupeþ mid riȝte
Vor þer comþ fram hire a lem suiþe cler & briȝte
As a tayl oþer a launce as me may ise
Þulke sterre is selde iseye bote it bodiinge be
Þe tuelfte ȝer temese moni toun aseincte
Vor so heye þat flod aros & mony mon adreincte
In a toun in barcssire þat hamstede icluped is
In somer out of þe erþe pur blod sprong ywis
Viftene dawes & wende aboute brode & wide
Þat it made blod red þet water þer bi side
Wanne me sede him of suche wondres þat god on erþe sende
Þat it was vor is luþernesse to trufle he it wende


Vor þe luþernesse of him no tonge telle ne mai
Vor so cruel ne so tirant ich wene no mon ne say
Vor þe worste men of þe lond & mest cruel al so
He wolde make is conseilers & bi hor red al do
Þe erchebissop of kanterbury anselin þat was þo
Fleu out of engelond vor is vnriȝt and wo
So þat þe king þo he deide þulke erchebissopriche
Of kanterburi adde in is hond þat so god is & riche
& þe bissopriche of salesbury & of winchestre al so
& abbeies in engelond enleuene þer to
Ech riche clerc þat deide is eir he wolde be
Bote More vnriȝt þat he dede ne miȝte nomon ise
Atte laste ihesu crist nolde hit þolie noȝt
So þat þei it late were to deþe he was ibroȝt


A monek þe niȝt þerbiuore þat he aslawe was
Matte as he lai aslepe bi hum a wonder cas
Þat þe king com in to an chirche as fers mon & wod
& wel hokerliche bihuld þe folc þat þer stod
To þe rode he sturte & bigan to frete & gnawe
Þe armes vaste & þies & mid is teþ to drawe
Þe rode hit þolede longe ac suþþe attelaste
He pulte him mid is vot & adoun vpriȝt him caste
Þe king me tolde þis ac he ne tolde þer of noȝt
Ac naþeles sone to soþe þe tokninge was ibroȝt
Vor anon amorwe þe king adde wille best
Vor to wende an honteþ in þe nywe forest
Þat was in souþhamptessire & naþeles he was in drede


To wende uor such auisions & is luþerhede
Vor þe deuel was þer biuore þer aboute yseie
In fourme of bodi & spek al so mid men of þe contreye
So þat þe king was adrad & bileue vor such cas
To wende er anhonteþ þe wule he vastinge was
Ac after mete þo he adde iete & idronke wel
He nom on of is priues þat het water tirel
& an vewe oþer of is men & nolde no leng abide
Þat he nolde to is game tide wat so bitide
Vor he was somdel hait as is herte was best
He wende him vorþ an honteþ to þe niwe forest
So þat he vond sone an hert he sset him sulf anon
& þe hert vorþ wiþ þe arwe bigan vaste awei gon
He prikede after vaste inou toward þe west riȝt
His hond he huld biuore is eien vor þe sonne liȝt


So þat þis water tirel þat þere biside was ney
Wolde ssete an oþer hert þat as he sede he sey
He sset þe king in atte breste þat neuereft he ne spek
Bote þe ssafte þat was wiþoute grisliche he to brek
& anowarde þe wombe vel adoun & deide wiþoute speche
Wiþoute ssrift & hosel anon þer was godes wreche
Þo water tirel isei þat he was ded anon
He at arn as vaste as he miȝte þat was is beste won
In þe endleue hondred ȝer as in þe ȝer of grace
Þus was þe king willam issote in þulke place
& ȝut he adde king ibe þrettene ȝer biuore
& more þan a fourtiȝer it was þat he was ibore
In a þoresdai it was & þe morwe al so
After lammasse day þat þis dede was ydo


To winchestre he was ilad al mid is grene wounde
Þat euere as me him ladde þe blod orn to grounde
Amorwe anon he was ibured In þe munstre ywis
Riȝt biuore þe heye weued as is bodi ȝut is
At is buriinge was moni a mon ac wepinde vewe
He adde endinge as he wurþe was & such it is to be ssrewe
Þe erchebissop auncelin þat biȝonde se þo was
He tolde þat in auision he sei bi him a cas
Þat he was biuore god ibroȝt is dom vorto auonge
& þat he was þere idemd to þe pine of helle stronge