University of Virginia Library



To the Toon of—“Sall I let hir go,” &c.

Auay! vane world, bewitcher of my hairt!
My sorouis shauis my sins maks me to smart;
Ȝit will I not dispair,
Bot to my God repair:
He has mercy ay,
Thairfor will I pray:
He hes mercy ay, and lovis me,
Thoght by his humbling hand he provis m[e.]
Auay, auay! too long thou hes me snaird;
I will not tyne more tyme: I am prepaird
Thy subtill slychts to flie,
Vhilks hes allured me.
Tho they sueitly smyle,
Smoothly they begyle:
Tho they sueitly smyle, I feir thame.
I find thame fals; I will forbeir thame.


Once more, auay! shauis loth the world to le[ave:]
Bids oft adeu with it that holds me slave.
Loth am I to forgo
This sueet alluring fo:
Sen thy wayis ar vane,
Sall I the retane?
Sen thy wayis ar vane, I quyt thee;
Thy plesuris sall no more delyt me.
A thousand tymis auay!—Oh! stay no more.
Sueit Chryst, conduct, leist subtile sin devore.
Without thy helping hand
No man hes strenth to stand.
Tho I oft intend
All my wayis to mend—
Tho I oft intend, strength fails ay:
The sair assaults of sin prevailis ay.
Quhat sal I say? ar all my plesurs past?
Sall worldly lustis nou tak thair leiv at last?
Ȝea, Chryst, these earthly toyes
Sall turne in hevinly joyes.
Let the world be gone;
I'l love Chryst allone.
Let the world be gone—I cair not:
Chryst is my love alone—I feir not.