University of Virginia Library


IV. His Maiesties Avvin Sonnet


MEDITATIOVN ON 1 CHRON. 15, 25–29 (1589).

The natiounis bandit gainst the Lord of micht,
Prepard ane force, and set them to the way:
Mars dressit himself in sik ane awfull plicht,
The lyke thairof was neuer sene they say.
They fordward came in monstruous array
Baith sea and land beset vs euery quhair.
Braggis threatned vs ane ruinous decay
Quhat came of that? The ischew did declair
The wynds begouth to tosse them heir and thair
The Seas begouth in foming waues to swell
The number that escapt, it fell them fair
The rest wer swallowed vp in golfis of Hell
But how wer all thir thingis miraculous done.
God lewch at them out of his heuinlie throne.