University of Virginia Library

[XIII. Nature in circles moves round fixed and central laws]

Nature in circles moves round fixed and central laws;
The spirit's spiral path a moving centre draws.
The seed results the tree, the tree results the seed,
Its ultimated fruit but to its root doth lead.
But thought strives ever up, beyond itself aspires,
New forms and higher powers are born of its desires.
Rest absolute is death; rest relative alone
To Nature must belong; the soul must on and on.
What askest thou of Death, but that the senses' door
It shall unlock and let the spirit upward soar?
Soar on and up, its God projecting as it goes,
Expanding into love, and joy, and peace—but not repose.


In utter rest the soul could never fitly dwell,
Debarred from upward growth, e'en Paradise were hell.