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CXXVIII. Sir William Throckmorton and Associates. Revocation of Captain John Woodleefe's Commission August 18 or 28, 1620
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CXXVIII. Sir William Throckmorton and Associates. Revocation
of Captain John Woodleefe's Commission
August 18 or 28, 1620

Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (23), page 124
Document in New York Public Library. 31, "Vera copia ext p. Rob: Maundey"
List of Records No. 196

[124] To all Xr̃ian people to whome theis p̢sentℯ shall come we Sr Wilɫm
Throkm9ton of Clowerwall in the county of Glouc̃ knight and baronet
Richard Berkeley of Stoke in the said county of Glouc̃ Esq̢; George Thorpe
late of Waneswell in the said county Esq̢; and John Smyth of Northnibly in
the said county gent doe send greetinge Wheras we the said Sr Wilɫm
Throkm9ton Richard Berkeley George Thorpe and John Smyth by our
ɫres of Comission vnder our seu9all hands and seales bearinge date the
iiijth day of September last past before the date of theis p̢sentℯ, for certayne
considerac̃ons vs then movinge and in our said ɫres of comission expressed,
did nomynate authorise and appoynt John Woodleefe then of Prestwood
in the County of Buckingham Esq̢; to be captayne and governor over,
and of such people and servants, as then we intended and ymediatly
after did send for plantac̃on in the land of Virginia, And to p̱forme and
execute the place office and authority of captayne and governor of our


said people and servants by and accordinge to such ordinances directions
and instructions as then after wee should p̢scribe and not otherwise.
Givinge likewise and grantinge therby to the said John Woodleefe power
& authority to be our cheife m9chant and to comerce trucke and trade either
with the natives of Virginia or with the English there residinge as to him
should seeme best to and for vs and to our vse and benefit, All wch the said
John Woodleefe faythfully p̳mised to p̱forme accordingly As in and by
our said ɫres of comission more at large it doth and may appeare. Nowe
knowe yee that we the said Sr Wilɫm Throkm9ton Richard Berkeley George
Thorpe and John Smyth for dyu9s good causes and weighty Considerac̃ons
vs theirvnto especially movinge Have revoked repealed disanulled and
determyned And by theis p̢sentℯ doe and each of vs doth revoke repeale
disanull determyne and make voyd to all intentℯ and purposes Whatsoever
the said Comission power and authority by vs given to the said John
Woodleefe and all and whatsoever office power trust and authority given
or granted or by vs intended to be given or conferred to or vpon the said
John Woodleefe in or by our said ɫres of Comission or any otherwayes
howsoever. And furthermore we the said Sr Wm Throkm9ton Rich: Berke-
ley George Thorpe and John Smyth doe hereby ordayne lymit appoynt
instruct & direct that whatsoever the said John Woodleefe shall hereafter
doe or attempt to doe by or vnder color of our said Comission (after notice
of theis p̢sentℯ to him given) in any cause or matter whatsoever, That
the same shalbe directed done and executed in such sort manner and forme
as the said Geo: Thorpe and Wilɫm Tracy of Hayles in the county of
Glouc̃ Esq̢; shall will lymit or direct to be done and not otherwise, vntill
he shall receive other directions from vs in England and then accordinge
vnto them In witnes wherof we have hereto put our hands and seales
the xxviijth day of August .1620. Anno xviijo Jacobi Rx &c