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At a Court held for Virginia the 14th of Nouember i621

At a Court held for Virginia the 14th of Nouember i621


Lo: Cauendish. 
Lo: Padgett. 
Lo: Haughton. 
Sr Sam: Sandys.  Sr Fran: Egiocke. 
Sr Io: Dãuers.  Sr Io: Bingly. 
Sr Phill: Carey.  Sr Hen: Maynwaringe. 
Sr Wm: Hericke. 

mr Edw: Spencer mr Deputy mr Gibbs, mr Wrote, mr Steward mr
Tomlins mr Binge mr Ro: Smith, mr Kightley, mr Christofer Earle
mr Iohn Smith, Capt: Bargraue mr Rogers, mr Nicho: ffarrar ∥ mr
Sheppard ∥ mr Barbor mr Ayres mr Bennett, mr Wiseman mr Couell
mr Leuer mr Berblocke mr Barnard mr Caswell mr Dr Lawne mr Swinho
mr Palmer mr Edwards, mr Widdowes mr Baynham mr Mellinge mr
Robertℯ mr Elkin mr Bromefeild mr Risely mr Truloue mr Waterhowse
mr Cocks, mr Birkett with diuers others.

Mr Deputy acquainted the Companie that at the end of the last Sum̃er
Ilands Court held the seauenth of this present Moneth there came a
letter vnto his handℯ from an vnknowne person directed vnto him and
the rest of the Counsell and Compã for Virginia, wch letter, for that
many of the Virginia Compã ∥were then p̱sent∥ he caused to be opened
and read, the Contents whereof are as followeth.

A Letter dated the 7o of Nouember i621 directed to mr Deputy ffarrar
and to the rest of the Counsell and Companie for Virginia

You shall receaue here enclosed 40s for a sermon to be preached before the Vir-
ginia Companie this Michalmas Terme and before the Quarter Court day: The
place I leaue to ye Companies appointement, Also I desire that mr Damport
may preach the first sermon if the Companie approue hereof: I will if God
permit make a perpetuity in this kinde: So beseechinge your good acceptance
of this smale mite, as also that you mr Deputy performe yor promise in con-
cealinge my name I take my leaue and rest a daylie orator for

Virginia. [282]


This letter beinge read and the Companie then present demaunded on
what day they would haue this Sermon preached, it was then agreed
to haue it vpon this day before the Virginia Companie and after ser-
mon it was also vpon moc̃on agreed to suppe together, mr Gibbs beinge
entreated to giue notice hereof to mr Damport accordingly. Nowe
forsomuch as it further appeareth by the said Letter that the Author
of this Guift hath promised vpon the Companies good acceptance
hereof to make a p̱petuity of this kinde, mr Deputy therefore moued
that this Court would please to recom̄end it to the next Quarter Court
to appoint on what daye hereafter this yearely exercise shalbe p̱formed
wch moc̃on the Court did well approue of and accordingly referred it
to the iudgement of the Quarter Court to order it, and in the mean
time entreated mr Deputy whoe knewe the gentleman to signifie the
Companies espeaciall thankℯ vnto him.

Whereas in reguard of the great seruice wch mr Io Pountis hath per-
formed in Virginia for the generall good of the Plantation as also
in respect of his worth and sufficiency otherwise the Court was pleased
the 10th of Iuly last to conferr vpon him the place of Vice admirall
prouisionally for one yeare as by his Comission bearinge date the 24th
of the same Moneth may appeare and that with a further promise that
his Comission. should be recomended to the next Quarter Court to be
confirmed it was therefore nowe moued that accordingly his Comis-
sion might be then ratified and that in the meanetime the said Office
of Vice admirall might be stated with a competent proporc̃on of land
and Tenantℯ wch may mainetaine them for the present vntill some
other Accrues incident to that office shalbe allotted him. The Court
did verie well approue of this moc̃on and praid Sr Io Dauers Sr Phil-
lep Carey mr Gibbs, mr Wrote mr Io Smith mr Nicho: ffarrar mr Ber-
blocke to meet the next daye at two of the Clocke in the Afternoone
to state the said place with such allowances as they shall thinke fitt.

In treatinge of these buissinesses mr Hawes takinge notice of the Com-
panies purpose to entertaine mr Iohn Pountis into their seruice moued
that whereas certaine priuate men had aduentured the Some of 10


1800li in a ioynt Stocke for transportinge of men and diuers goods for
a ffishinge voyage in the yeare i618 ouer wch the said mr Pountis had
charge & gouermt moued yt forsomuch as it seemed the Companie
intended to imploye the said mr Pountis in their seruice that they
would please in considerac̃on hereof §to giue§ the said priuate Aduen-
turers send greater p̳porc̃on of land for the 25 men formerly sent
ouer [283] As also some considerac̃on for the goodℯ remayninge
whereof the Companie might make good vse. Touchinge the first
aunsweare was made that the Companie did not conceaue mr Pountis
to be any way engaged vnto them but rather had receaued much preiv-
dice by their failinge him of their promised Supplies whereby he could
effect nothinge for want of meanes, where it did appeare he was so
much dishartned as it made him put on a resoluc̃on to come home for
England had not the Companie given him some encouragmt to stay by
conferringe this place vpon him as also the managinge of some other
buissines, As for such goods of thers as yet remayned, It was lawfull
and free for them to make their best markettℯ whereby there could
be no great losse.

Mr Deputy signified that he was to moue the Court for graunt of three
seuerall Patentℯ for perticuler Plantac̃ons vnto such as would vnder-
take to transport at their owne charge one hundred p̱sons a peece to
Virginia the first for Sr Charles North, the second for mr Crowe, the
Third for mr Leninge, wch seuerall Patentℯ the Cort gaue order for
drawinge them vp in that vsuall forme against the Quarter Court

Whereas in drawinge vp the Patentℯ for Sr Richard Worsly and his
Associatℯ there was a mistake in settinge downe of Anthony Ienings
for Abraham it was moued that error might be amended at the next
Court wch was graunted.

It was ordered by consent of the Aduenturers of the old magazine
that mr Abraham Chamberlen shall take vp as much money here as
appeareth by the Account of Iohn De Clarke to be due to the old
Magazine and remaine in his handℯ and paye the same ouer to mr
Richard Bull that a diuident may be made to the Aduenturers.


The Auditors also of the old Magazine were earnestly entreated to
audite the Accounts in mr Essingtoñs handℯ and to giue warrant to
mr Richard Bull to paye what shall appeare to be due to euery man,
the Brokℯ for non paymentℯ at due times beinge allowed accordinge
to the orders of the Magazine vnto wch warrantℯ one of the last yeares
auditors at least is appointed to sett his hand.

Mr Churchill Moone of the Middle Temple in London gentleman hau-
inge eight shares of land in Virginia allowed by the Auditors did vpon
request passe them ouer wth approbac̃on of this Court in manner fol-
lowinge vizt: he assigned 4 of them vnto mr Charles Cratford of the
midle Temple in London esqr.

Also he assigned 2 to mr Richard Chettle.

And two vnto mr Wm Wheat of the Midle Temple esqr.

ffrauncis Carter also with like approbac̃on of this Cort passed ouer7
shares of land in Virginia p̱cell of 40 shares assigned vnto him by the
right Honoble the Lady Lawarr vnto those seauen p̱sons followinge. [284]

To Rob̴t Chettenly gentlẽ 
To Iames Woodcocke Marriner 
To mr Geo: Butler Clarke 
To Isaacke Gold Drap̱  7 shares. 
To Io: Kirby Marchantaylor 
To mr Tho: Wilson Clothworker 
To mr Geo: Cornish haberdasher 

Whereas mr Hawes a free Brother of this Companie hath vndertaken
to carry to Virginia diuers passengers as also diuers goodℯ of his owne
to trade and barter with the people of the Colony for Com̃odities, he
therefore moued that he might haue some license vnder the Companies
Seale to be his sufficient warrant for his so doinge wch request the
Court thought verie reasonable and ordered that he should haue a
Com̃ission to enhable him therevnto.