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[Forgive me, O Thou jealous God]

Forgive me, O Thou jealous God,
A wretch, who on Thy laws have trod,
And robb'd Thee of Thy right;
A sinner, to myself unknown,
'Gainst Thee have I transgress'd, and done
This evil in Thy sight.
My body I disdain'd to' incline,
Or worship at an idol's shrine
With gross idolatry:
But oh! my soul hath baser proved,
Honour'd and fear'd, and served, and loved.
The creature more than Thee.
Let the blind sons of Rome bow down
To images of wood and stone;
But I with subtler art,
Safe from the letter of Thy word,
My idols secretly adored,
Set up within my heart.
But oh! suffice the season past:
My idols now away I cast,
Pleasure, and wealth, and fame;


The world, and all its goods I leave,
To Thee alone resolved to give
Whate'er I have or am.
Lo! in a thankful loving heart
I render Thee whate'er Thou art,
I give myself to Thee;
And Thee my whole delight I own,
My joy, my glory, and my crown,
To all eternity.