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Sythe, Vincent
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Sythe, Vincent

G. Blackwood to. N. Vincent, with weddyng.

Sythe, Vincent, I haue minde to wed a wife:
You bid me tell, wherfore I like that life.
Foule will I not, faire I desire: content,
If faire me fayle, with one indifferent.
Fair, you alledge, a thousand will applie:
But, nere so oft requirde, she will denie.
Meane beautie doth soone fade: therof playn hee,
Who nothing loues in woman, but her blee.
Frute if she bring, of frute is ioyfull sight:
If none, what then? our burden is but light.
The rest, you ming, certesse, we graunt, be great:
Stif hert, vndaunted hed cause soom to freat.
But, in all thinges, inborne displeasures be:
Yea pleasure we, full of displeasure, se.
And maruail you, I looke for good estate,
Hereafter if a woman be my mate?


Oh straight is vertues path, if sooth men say:
And likewise, that I seek, straight is the way.