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By W. C. Bennett: New ed

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Where, O Poland, are thy lances?
Europe needs them once again;
Westward, horde on horde are pouring;
Poles, for you we look in vain;
Comes the savage Cossack; onward
Spurs the Tartar with loose rein;
Where, O Poland, are thy lances?
Europe needs them once again.
O for Sobieski's pennons!
Trembling Austria recals
How they flung the baffled Moslem
Back from freed Vienna's walls;


Host on host around her gather;
Must she for you look in vain?
Where, O Poland, are thy lances?
Europe needs them once again
O for Kosciusko's legions—
Those that Poniatowsky led—
They who charged at gory Grokow—
Those who with Dombrouski bled!
Hearts that, Frenchmen, for your glory,
Pour'd their streaming blood like rain!
Where, O Poland, are thy lances?
Europe needs them once again.
Yes, we need them in the struggle,
Look'd for long, where Europe fights,
Arm'd for all that makes her glory,
Arts and freedom—thoughts and rights;
Shall the Tartar's trampling horse-hoofs
Make the boast of ages vain?
Where, O Poland, are thy lances?
Europe needs them once again.
Shall no more thy snow-white eagle
Sweep the battle as of yore?
Shall we see thy countless pennons
Streaming down the charge no more?
Must we for thy old free war-cry
Henceforth listen all in vain?
Where, O Poland, are thy lances?
Europe needs them once again.
Europe needs them! Ah! how swiftly
Would they answer to her cry:
“Poland, Europe gives you freedom;
“Guard her freedom, Poles, or die!”
'Gainst the North, what better rampart
Than your free hearts can we gain?
Where, O Poland, are thy lances?
Europe needs them once again.