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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above.”—“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” —Colossians, iii. 1 and 3.

Art thou risen with Christ?—Thy love
Must such resurrection show;
Seeking heavenly things above,
Slighting those of earth below.
Where the heart its hopes has stor'd,
Thither thought and feeling turn;
Thy allegiance to thy Lord
By this simple test discern.
If thy life be hid with Him,
If thy soul to sin be dead,
Earthly things to thee are dim,
Heaven-ward purer hopes have fled.


Shouldst thou not this state have won,
With thy Lord thou art not risen;
Still the work remains undone,
Earth is yet thy spirit's prison.
Is there aught too dear to give,
From such bondage to arise?
Die! if thou wouldst hope to live;
Give up earth—to gain the skies.
By that death, thou shalt attain
Life unfelt, unknown before;
By that sàcrifice shalt gain
Treasure passing worldly store.
Thou shalt live by faith and love,—
Live in Him who died for thee;
And, in hopes which soar above,
Richer far than Dives be.
And when Christ, thy Life and Light,
In His glory shall appear,
Thou, accepted in His sight,
Shalt confess a Saviour near.