University of Virginia Library


When Haumar Saracen the Temple then

Began to build up at Jerusalem,


His enterprize was all destroy'd he sought
Unto the Jews to tell him what they thought.
The Cross, say they, which on mount Olivet
Was o're the Temple, doth thy building let.
Then down the Cross doth go, and up he highs
His building and it stands. Report then flies
Among the Christians that the Cross availes
Against all Evill things, against all ailes.


And now about the Emperour Constans rose

Against the Lombards, to an Hermit goes
First to inquire. Who long entreats and Cries
To have an Oracle at length there highes
Mich the Archangell, John the Baptist, and
Saint Peter, who this Oracle him hand.
Go tell the Emperour God is not pleasd
As yet to grant the thing thy heart hath seisd.
The Italian Lombards can't be Conquourd yet
Because a foreign Queen they did permit
To build to God and to John Baptist raise
A Church within their borders, with rich layes.
Here men, and handmaids, Priests and all apply
The worship of the Lord most faithfully.
That John doth for the Lombards intercede
And they his birth daye yearly therein plead
With Offerings for this Oratory, though
The time will come when it shall not be so.
But it shall be despisd of all, and all
Its Wealth they shall cast out, they also shall
Afflict my Servants, and mine handmaids there
The Priests that serve God night, and day even here
Shall be molested, and their wealth shall be
All tooke away, their lives imbitter'd see.
And then this nation shall be overthrown.
The Hermit to the Emperour did go
The morning next, and made him all to know.