University of Virginia Library


Illvstr. XXV.

[When Phœbus with a cheerefull eye, beholds]

Our outward Hopes will take effect,
According to the King's aspect.

When Phœbus with a cheerefull eye, beholds
The Flow'r-embroydred earth, and freely spreads
His beames abroad; behold, the Marigolds
Beginne to reare their low-dejected heads:
The Tulips, Daysies, and the Heliotropes
Of ev'ry kinde, their closed Leaves display;
And (as it were) with new-recover'd hopes,
Attend upon the Ruler of the Day.
Againe, when either in the West he shrowds
His Rayes below this Horizon, or hides
His Face behinde the Curtaines of the Cloudes;
They lose their beauties, and abate their prides.
Thus fares it with a Nation, and their King,
'Twixt whom there is a native Sympathy.
His Presence, and his Favours, like the Spring,
Doe make them sweetly thrive, and fructify:
Yea (like fresh Groves, or Flow'rs of pleasing hew)
Themselves in all their jollity they showe;
But, they, if with displeasure, them he view,
Soone lose their Glory, and contemned growe.
All, are not Heliotropes that favour'd growe,
In Princes Courts; nor Marigolds, that beare
The golden blossomes; but some spring below,
Like Daysie flow'rs, that in the Pathwayes are:
Yet all shall feele it, when their Sov'raignes eye
Doth frowne, or smile, regard, or else neglect:
Yea, it will finde them in Obscurity,
By some Disheartning, or some sweet Effect.
Vouchsafe to shine on Mee, my Gracious King,
And then my Wither'd Leaves, will freshly spring.