A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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A Collection of Emblemes | ||
Illvstr. XXV.
[When Phœbus with a cheerefull eye, beholds]
Our outward Hopes will take effect,
According to the King's aspect.
According to the King's aspect.
Phœbus with a cheerefull eye, beholds
The Flow'r-embroydred earth, and freely spreads
His beames abroad; behold, the Marigolds
Beginne to reare their low-dejected heads:
The Tulips, Daysies, and the Heliotropes
Of ev'ry kinde, their closed Leaves display;
And (as it were) with new-recover'd hopes,
Attend upon the Ruler of the Day.
Againe, when either in the West he shrowds
His Rayes below this Horizon, or hides
His Face behinde the Curtaines of the Cloudes;
They lose their beauties, and abate their prides.
The Flow'r-embroydred earth, and freely spreads
His beames abroad; behold, the Marigolds
Beginne to reare their low-dejected heads:
The Tulips, Daysies, and the Heliotropes
Of ev'ry kinde, their closed Leaves display;
And (as it were) with new-recover'd hopes,
Attend upon the Ruler of the Day.
Againe, when either in the West he shrowds
His Rayes below this Horizon, or hides
His Face behinde the Curtaines of the Cloudes;
They lose their beauties, and abate their prides.
Thus fares it with a Nation, and their King,
'Twixt whom there is a native Sympathy.
His Presence, and his Favours, like the Spring,
Doe make them sweetly thrive, and fructify:
Yea (like fresh Groves, or Flow'rs of pleasing hew)
Themselves in all their jollity they showe;
But, they, if with displeasure, them he view,
Soone lose their Glory, and contemned growe.
'Twixt whom there is a native Sympathy.
His Presence, and his Favours, like the Spring,
Doe make them sweetly thrive, and fructify:
Yea (like fresh Groves, or Flow'rs of pleasing hew)
Themselves in all their jollity they showe;
But, they, if with displeasure, them he view,
Soone lose their Glory, and contemned growe.
All, are not Heliotropes that favour'd growe,
In Princes Courts; nor Marigolds, that beare
The golden blossomes; but some spring below,
Like Daysie flow'rs, that in the Pathwayes are:
Yet all shall feele it, when their Sov'raignes eye
Doth frowne, or smile, regard, or else neglect:
Yea, it will finde them in Obscurity,
By some Disheartning, or some sweet Effect.
Vouchsafe to shine on Mee, my Gracious King,
And then my Wither'd Leaves, will freshly spring.
In Princes Courts; nor Marigolds, that beare
The golden blossomes; but some spring below,
Like Daysie flow'rs, that in the Pathwayes are:
Yet all shall feele it, when their Sov'raignes eye
Doth frowne, or smile, regard, or else neglect:
Yea, it will finde them in Obscurity,
By some Disheartning, or some sweet Effect.
Vouchsafe to shine on Mee, my Gracious King,
And then my Wither'd Leaves, will freshly spring.
A Collection of Emblemes | ||