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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 132. Memento, Domine.

Canticum Graduum.


Of David, and his troublous daies,
be mindfull, Lord, and how


To Jacobs mighty Lord he payes
his oathes solemniz'd vow.


Nor tent, nor house, my harbour be,
repose my bed forbids:


To sleep, mine eyes shall pardon me,
to slumber, mine eye-lids.


Untill a dwelling place I find,
where may the Lord remaine,
The Mighty One of Jacobs kind,
a house to entertaine.


Loe, Ephrata we understood,
thereof good tidings yeelds:
At length, we found it in the wood,
in Kirjath-jears fields.


Within his house we will goe meet,
and there assembled all;
Before his foot-stoole, at his feet
bow downe our selves, and fall.


Arise, O Lord, into thy rest
returne, to dwell at length;
In Salem, sometime Silo's guest,
thou, and thy Arke of strength.



Let be (that thine they may be knowne)
thy Priests with Justice cloth'd:
And (seeking thee more than their owne)
thy Saints to joy betroth'd.


And for thy servant Davids sake,
turne not the face away
Of thine Annointed: Soveraignes make
his seed, his Scepter sway.


The Lord in Truth to David sware,
and will not turne from it:
Fruit of thy wombe will I prepare
upon thy Throne to sit.


My Covenant if thy sons retaine,
my Testimonies heed;
Thy sons perpetually shall raigne,
and on thy Throne succeed.


For as the Lord loves Sion best,
his liking is so great,
That her, he hath above the rest,
selected for his seat.


This is my rest, a longer space,
than Sun shall lend his light,
Perpetuall here my dwelling place,
here my desir'd delight.


Her victuals blessing will I blesse,
her poore with bread suffice:


Her Priests in pure Salvation dresse,
her Saints shall joy surprize.


There will I make the Horne upright,
to bud on Davids head:
A lamp for mine Annointed light,
throughout all lands to spread.


His enemies shall shame befall,
and weave the web they weare:


Up on his head while flourish shall
the Crowne that he shall beare.