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The Closet of Counsells

conteining The aduice of diuers wyse Philosophers, touchinge sundry morall matters, in Poesies, Preceptes, Prouerbes, and Parrables, translated, and collected out of diuers aucthors, into Englishe Verse: by Edmond Eluiden. Wherunto is anexed a pithy and pleasant discription of the abuses: and vanities of the vvorlde

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Of a good life.

Suppose not of thy selfe to muche
by foolyshe prowde consaite,
Nor craue to seeme a greater man
then thou doeste waye by wayght,
Nor bee not cruell but dispise
suche churlyshnes, and vse


Meeke gentlenes, nor flatter not,

nor seeme not to abbuse
The frendshipp offred vnto thee,
but render lyke a gayne:


And then bee slowe to wrath, but swift
to cure thy neyghbours payne,
And thou shalt lyue in happie state
in worshipp and at ease,
And if thou fayle, aredie helpe
shall soone thy care appease.