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Festum Uoluptatis, Or the Banquet of Pleasure

Fvrnished with Mvch Variety of Speculations, Wittie, Pleasant, and Delightfull. Containing divers choyce Love-Posies, Songs, Sonnets, Odes, Madrigals, Satyrs, Epigrams, Epitaphs and Elegies. For varietie and pleasure the like never before published. By S. P. [i.e. Samuel Pick]

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An Elegie by the Author, upon the death of his deare father, Master Edward Picke.

To tell my losse so well to each man knowne,
Were to lament my selfe, not him that's gone:
That were to cry-out helpe to those that ly,
By the same griefe dead to eternity.
But yet that men may fully understand,
Know 'twas my father, even by whose hand,
I first had breath, and I will give him fame,
By writing in a double kind his name:
I doe confesse he's gone, and yet my losse,
If tould is undervalued, so grosse,
So young are my complaints, that I lament,
In petty notions, sorrowes rudiment:
My infant teares yet knowe not all my woe,
Because I knew not all that was to grow
In him a graft all hope, but riper yeeres,
Shall teach me how to parallell my teares,
And so improove I may, (as he did grow
In vertue) daily thriving in my woe:
Did we not lose enough when Adam fell,
By thee curst fruit? but thou must longer still,


Produce our myseries, and when w'are best,
By tempting one must murther all the rest.
Was he too good for earth, and did heaven call,
To have him there; so that he needs must fall?
If so, 'tis well, for it was equity,
Man-kind and he by the same fate should dye.
But though th' art dead, thy memory survives,
And thy good deeds shall out-last others lives.
Sa. Pick.