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Shall I tell what the Violet said to the Star,
While she gazed through her tears on his beauty afar?
She sang, but her singing was only a sigh,
And nobody heard it, but Heaven, Love, and I!—
A sigh full of fragrance and feeling, it stole
Through the stillness, up, up, to the star's beaming soul.
She sang—“Thou art glowing with glory and might,
And I'm but a flower, frail, lowly, and light;
I ask not thy pity, I seek not thy smile;
I ask but to worship thy beauty a while;—
To sigh to thee—sing to thee—bloom for thine eye,
And when thou art weary to bless thee and die!”
Shall I tell what the Star to the Violet said,
While ashamed 'neath his love-look, she hung her young head?
He sang—but his singing was only a ray,
And none but the flower and I heard the dear lay;
How it thrill'd, as it fell, in its melody clear,
Through the little heart, heaving with rapture and fear!


Ah! no, love! I dare not! too tender, too pure,
For me to betray were the words he said to her;
But as she lay listening that low lullaby,
A smile lit the tear in the timid flower's eye;
And when death had stolen her beauty and bloom,
The ray came again to illumine her tomb!