University of Virginia Library


Old Massa I am dying now,
Your face I cannot see,
Before I leave this world below,
This promise give to me.
I've done my best to serve you well,
Your barns are filled with store,
Before I bid you now farewell,
Grant this I ask no more.
My wife and babe I now must leave,
They silent weep for me,
'Tis not for parting which I grieve,
I pray that they were free.
Now, Massa, I am growing weak,
This favor grant to me,
Quick while I yet may hear you speak,
Say, Massa, they are free.
I once was foremost in the throng,
That plowed the rich corn field,
I hear the echo of that song,
Which loud to heaven appealed.
From early dawn old Tom would toil,
But now he'll soon be dead,
No longer can he till the soil,
That it may yield you bread.


The cotton fields fade from my sight,
The meadows golden grain,
The day is darkening into night,
I'll ne'er see dawn again.
But there's a joy within my breast,
And end of misery,
The weary slave at last finds rest,
His soul at last is free.
Before I'm laid beneath the sod,
This promise make to me,
I'll pass in peace to be with God,
My wife and child are free.