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Hate me, Electra, hate me; by Ægisthus
More fervently and fatally thou art hated:
And thou wilt learn, that my tremendous hate
In imprecations does not spend itself.
Ægisthus curses whom he hates ... by death.
At last, in all thy branches, thou art fallen
Within my power, abominable race!


With what regretful pungency I thought
The angry waves had feasted on Atrides!
Had it been so, oh how had I been robb'd
By greedy billows of a mighty vengeance!
'Tis true, that, by their death, Atrides' children,
For Atreus' execrable deadly feast
Had made atonement: thus, Thyestes, thus
I had in part thy bloody thirst appeased.
Thy vengeful and retributory oath
In part I should have ratified ... But what?
Shall this revival of their sire redeem
From death his offspring? Lo! the train here comes
Of the victorious king. Hence, hence, and yield
To the tumultuary, insensate joy
Of the giddy people; glad they know not why.
Your triumph shall be transient. I am here
A stranger to all feasts but those of blood.