University of Virginia Library


Enter Assures, followed by Cedarus and Nobles.
How's this—Arzaces here! at Babylon
Without our leave obtain'd?—Say, daring youth,
Whence springs this boldness? wherefore have you left
Your camps and standards on the Oxine shores?
And what wild motive brings you to the court?

My services have borne me here, nay more,
The Queen's high mandate.—

How? the Queen require!—
—Well, be it so—but know from me alone
Thou can'st obtain admission to the Queen.
What wouldst thou with Semiramis?—

I dare
To ask the bright reward of all my toils,
And humbly sue to serve her.—


Thou darest more,
Thou dost conceal thy most presumptuous love,
Thy passion for Azema.—

Yes, I own
It is presumption to adore that maid,
For I esteem her heart, at which I aim,
Beyond the worth or price of empire.

I hope thou know'st not whom thou dar'st insult,
Or could'st thou hope to mingle thy vile race
With demi-gods o'th'Tigris and Euphrates.
—Yet I will deign thro' pity to advise thee.
When thou behold'st the Queen, I charge thee, youth,
Drop not one hint of this thy offensive love,
Not on thy life—Thou'st heard, and now obey.

Now rest assured, proud lord, I'll urge my suit
With double vigour—I despise your threats,
For menaces still strengthen my resolves.
Behold in me one who has serv'd the state,
Whose arms may have oft protected you, proud lord,
And all the silken train within the palace.
You deem me rash, perchance, this fire offends,
But it shall ne'er be stifled—nor shall you


E'er teach my neck t'endure a slavish yoke.

I will chastise this insolence—and thou
Shalt learn the duty of a subject.—

[Exeunt Assures, &c.
We both may learn it; I henceforward
May learn more prudence, nor again be lavish
Of these wild transports of my headstrong ardor;
While you may one day prove how great the peril
Even for proud statesmen to insult the man
Whose arms have triumph'd in his country's cause.
[Exit Arzaces.