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A Tragedy, In Five Acts

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The Genius of Caucasus
holding a branch of palm, and looking through the side-scene.
He sings.
Love-lorn maiden, I behold
Through these wilds thy dubious steps.
Me thou seest not, but thy ear
With consoling notes I fill.
Arm'd with safety are thy feet:
I am sent thy guide and guard.

By love, by grief impell'd, and, voice benign!
By thee encourag'd, Cassandane bends
At these forbidden gates her suppliant knee.
Sublime possessor of these mystic walls,
Known by thy virtues only, while thy name
And history lie bury'd in concealment,
Who bear'st no title, but of sage enchantress,
Beneficent and gracious to these nations!
Redeem'd by thee from pestilence and famine,
Enrich'd with conquest and elate with triumph,
They once ador'd thy presence, but, desponding,
Regret thee now, their guardian pow'r withdrawn.
Thou dost not hear. Ah me! These massy bulwarks
Shut Cassandane from thy ear and sight.
Can I obtain a boon refus'd to all?


The Genius
Injur'd maid, thy suit prefer:
Pity dwells within these gates,
Science to redress thy wrongs.
Cassandane, doubt no more.

Then by thy pity, by my own slight merits,
Which once endear'd me to thy smile, I sue;
Stupendous woman, paragon of wisdom!
Let not another's fault exclude me longer!
O, to thy presence grant my woes access!

The Genius
Horrid centinel, obey
What thy potent mistress wills:
To this virgin entrance give,
But thy hideous form conceal.