University of Virginia Library


Galesus, Titus.
Indeed! my Titus, I had Hopes that Rome,
Vext as she is with her domestic Broils,
Her Frontier weak, her Armies unprepar'd,
Might have comply'd with our Demands, and given us
The same Alliance granted to the Latines.

The Senate scarce would hear the Terms I offer'd;
But order'd me to bear this Answer back:
“If first the Volsci take up Arms, the Romans
“Will be the last to lay them down.”

This Answer seals the Doom of many a Wretch.
Unchain'd Bellona from her Temple rushes,
With all the Crimes and Vices in her Train.
Earth fades at her Approach. To rural Peace,
Fair Plenty, and the social Joy of Cities,
Soon will succeed Rage, Rapine, Devastation,
Each cruel Horror sanctify'd by Names.
O Mortals! Mortals! when will you, content
With Nature's Bounty, that in fuller Flow,
Still as your Labours open more its Sources,
Abundant gushes o'er the happy World;


When will you banish Violence, and Outrage,
To dwell with Beasts of Prey in Woods and Desarts?

Never till Rome shall change her conquering Maxims.

Her haughty Spirit now will soar beyond
Its usual Pitch, upborne by Caius Marcius.
Stands he not for the Consulate?

He did.
But is no more a Citizen of Rome.

What mean'st thou, Titus?

Marcius is from Rome
Banish'd for ever.

O immortal Powers!
On what Pretence could they to Exile doom
Their wisest Captain, and their bravest Soldier?
Nor less renown'd for Piety, for Justice,
An uncorrupted Heart, and purest Manners.

The Charge against him was entirely groundless,
What not his Enemies themselves believ'd,
Affecting of tyrannic Power in Rome.
His real Crime was only some hot Words,
Struck from his fiery Temper, in the Senate,
Against those factious Ministers of Discord,
The Tribunes of the People. They to Rage,
And frantic Fury, rous'd the mad Plebeians;
By whom supported in their bold Attempt,
They durst presume to summon to the Bar
Of an enrag'd and partial Populace,
The most illustrious Senator of Rome.
To this the Nobles yielded—and, with his,
Gave up their own and Childrens Rights for ever.


O shameful Weakness in a Roman Senate,
So much renown'd for Firmness! Yet, my Titus,
Spite of my Love to Marcius, I must own it,
The vigorous Soil whence his Heroic Virtues
Luxuriant rise, if not with careful Hand
Severely weeded, teems with Imperfections.
His lofty Spirit brooks no Opposition.
His Rage, if once offended, knows no Bounds.
He deems Plebeians, with Patrician Blood
Compar'd, the Creatures of a lower Species,
Mere menial Hands by Nature meant to serve him.

It was this high Patrician Pride undid him.
The furious People triumph'd in his Ruin
As if they had expell'd another Tarquin:
While, like a captive Train, the vanquish'd Nobles
Hung their dejected Heads in silent Shame.
Marcius alone seem'd unconcern'd; tho' deep
The latent Tempest boil'd within his Breast,
Choak'd up and smother'd with excessive Rage.

You were his Guest at Rome, and therefore, Titus,
Might on this sad Occasion be permitted
To join your Tears with his domestic Friends.
Saw you that moving Scene?

I did, Galesus.
I follow'd Marcius home—His Mother, there,
Veturia, the most venerable Matron
These Eyes have e'er beheld, and soft Volumnia,
His lovely, virtuous Wife, amidst his Children,
Spread on the Ground, lay lost in dumb Despair.
He swelling stood a while, and could not speak,
Th'affronted Hero struggling with the Man;
Then thus at last he broke the gloomy Silence:
“'Tis done. The guilty Sentence is pronounc'd.
“Ungrateful Rome has cast me from her Bosom.


“Support this Blow with Fortitude and Courage,
“As it becomes two generous Roman Matrons.
“I recommend my Children to your Care.
“Farewel. I go, I quit, without Regret,
“A City grown an Enemy to Virtue.”

Oh godlike Marcius! oh unconquer'd Strength
And Dignity of Mind! How much superior
Is such a Soul to all the Power of Fortune!

This said, he sternly try'd to break away:
When, holding in her Hand his eldest Son,
Veturia follow'd; while the poor Volumnia,
All drown'd in Tears, and bearing in one Arm
Their youngest, yet an Infant, with the other
Hung clinging at his Knees—he, turning to them,
Half soften'd, half severe, breath'd from his Soul
These broken Accents—“Cease your vain Complaints.
“Mother, you have no more a Son; and thou,
“Thou best of Women! thou, my dear Volumnia!
“No more a Husband”—Pierc'd with these dire Words,
Volumnia lifeless sunk: and off he flung,
With wild Precipitation.

Thy sad Tale
Blinds my old Eyes with Tears—But whither, tell me,
O whither, Titus, bent he then his Course?

Where the blind Genius of regardless Rage
And Desperation led. On to the Gate,
Capena call'd, attended by the Nobles,
He stalk'd in sullen Majesty along;
Nor deign'd a Word. A godlike virtuous Anger
Beam'd thro' his Features, and sublim'd his Air.
With downcast Eyes he walk'd; or if aside
He chanc'd to look, each Look was great Reproach.


Thus in emphatic Silence, that made Words
Void and insipid all, he parted from them,
The Day preceding my Return from Rome;
Nor has been heard of since, lost in th'Abyss
Of his own Woes.

O Marcius, noble Marcius!
How shall my Friendship succour thy Distress?
Where shall I find thee, to partake thy Sorrows,
And make myself Companion of thy Exile?
But, Titus, we indulge Discourse too long—
Go, and assemble thou the Volscian Chiefs,
Whilst I repair to Tullus, to inform,
And bring him to the Council, there to hear
The fatal Answer thou hast brought from Rome.