University of Virginia Library


A Palace. Thoas and Circe discover'd, attended. Singers and Dancers rang'd down each Side of the Stage.
Chorus of Singers.
Great Mithra! God of Light! adorn
With choicest Beams this sacred Morn:
For Her impart thy brightest Ray,
Whose Lustre emulates thy Sway.
Beauty, like Light, was form'd to charm;
Like Light, we feel its Influence warm;
Then gild, bright God, thy purple Sphere;
While Circe shines a Goddess here.

[After the Song and Dances, Thoas and Circe rise and come forward.]
Break up the Sports:—Your Mind, I see, employed
On weightier Cares, tastes not these idle Pleasures.

Indeed, my Bosom is oppress'd with Fears,
That relish Mirth but ill.—Those scatter'd Ships
May brave the Tempest out, and yet invade you.

Let not their impotent Attacks give Fear:
The two presumptious Youths, who wear our Bonds,
Were Spies upon the Weakness of our Throne:
But one shall dearly rue the rash Attempt.


To-morrow's Sun shall see the Victim bleed;
That done, the Pomp of Hymen shall succeed.
Oh, my fair Queen! the promis'd Bliss I claim,
And burn with an unpractis'd Lover's Flame.
Love rages in my Breast; tho' Time has shed
His Marks of Winter, and made hoar my Head:
As Mountains with imbowell'd Sulphur glow,
While their bleak Tops are cover'd o'er with Snow.
