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The Female Prelate

being The History of the Life and Death of Pope Joan. A tragedy

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The Conclave with the Ceremony of the Popes installment.
Card. 1.
Hail, Heaven's great Vicar, uncontroul'd disposer
Of Crowns and Thrones both temporal and immortal.

Card. 2.
Thou wanderers Night-Star, and Believers Sun
Of Glory.

Card. 1.
The Lord of Souls and Worlds, universal Head
Of Empires, Principalities, Powers, Potentates.

Card. 3.
Thou prop and pillar of mortality

Card. 4.
And Basis of Eternity, all hail.

All hail.


Card. 2.
To crown all these;
Thou Servant of the Servants of the Saints,
All hail.

All hail.

Card. 1.
By thee the humble reigns, the proud dethroned:
The Loyal Proselyte fenced in with glory,
And the Apostatized Rebellious Heretick
Shut out from Hopes and Heaven.

My gracious Lords, since Romes Imperial Power
You to my undeserving hand have given;
For my first Service to the Church and Heaven
How have I merited the prize I have won,
How little has my humble Nonage done?
When I
In Saxons Blood did my young hand embrue,
'Twas but the Snake I in my Cradle slew.
But now our glorious work begins; oh Rome
Our vast Herculean Labours are to come.

Card. 3.
Spoke like the Lord of Rome, your God-like self,
The sole Vicegerent of Omnipotence.

Romes sacred Head, and Romes Supremacy
Is the Worlds true invincible Alcides:
Those fabulous wonders Story once did give
To that feign'd Hero, in our Greatness live.
Error's black Sink is that Augean Stable
Which Romes Divinity can only cleanse.
The growling Pagan, and Fanatick Snarler
The vanquish'd Dogs of Hell, the numerous Heads
Of Schism and Heresie the conquer'd Hydra;
And when
We the rank blood of Heretick Monarchs spill,
'Tis then, tis then
We the true Nemeæan Monsters kill:
When to summ all, to our sole charge is given
The absolute Trust, and the whole weight of Heaven
The wearied Atlas we alone supply,
And on Romes Neck rests the supported Sky.

[The Scene shuts.