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English melodies

By Charles Swain

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In the west a line of silver
Seem'd from darkness to emerge,
Like the gleaming sword of Azrael,
On the dim horizon's verge:
Deep and deeper frown'd the darkness,
Whiter grew that line of fear:
All that gaz'd knew well the omen,—
Knew the Hurricane was near!
Bowsprit high the billows mounted,
E'en the firmest held their breath;
Thundering onward swept the ocean,
With a darkness grim as death:
Shrouds and stays were rent asunder,
Masts and spars were snapp'd in twain,
Black'ning downwards rush'd the heavens—
Roaring upwards roll'd the main.


O'er her bows the foremast splinter'd,
Blocks and cordage strew'd the air;
Headlong down the vessel founder'd—
All was shrieking and despair!
'Mid a wild and whirling chaos,
All above me and around,—
Struggling arms and gasping faces,
And the drowning, and the drown'd!