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Dramatic Scenes

With Other Poems, Now First Printed. By Barry Cornwall [i.e. Bryan Waller Procter]. Illustrated

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“Frederigo, of the Alberighi family, loved a gentlewoman, and was not requited with like love again. But, by bountiful expenses, and over-liberal invitations, he wasted all his lands and goods, having nothing left him but a hawk or faulcon. His unkind mistress happened to come to visit him, and he not having any other food for her dinner, made a dainty dish of his faulcon for her to feed on. Being conquered by this exceeding kind courtesie, she changed her former hatred towards him, accepting him as her husband in marriage, and made him a man of wealthy possessions.”—Boccaccio. (Old translation.) Fifth day: Novel 9.



—Outside of a Cottage. Sunset.
Oh! Poverty, and have I learnt at last
Thy bitter lesson? Thou forbidding power
That hast such sway upon this thriving earth,


Stern foe to comfort, sleep's disquieter;
What have I done that thou should'st smite me thus?
An open hand had I in happier times,
And when the feathered Fortune bore me high,
I scattered gifts below.
. . . . . . 'Tis the set of Sun!
How like a hero who hath run his course
In glory doth he die! His parting look
(Too beautiful for death) lights up the west
With crimson, and deep dyes the wandering clouds
With every tint that makes the rainbow fair.
Bright King! not unattended dost thou leave
The world that loved thee: Earth, and all her crowds,
Which late were joyous, pay dumb homage now;
Unutterable stillness, golden calm,
The winds and waves unmoving.
Sometimes one lonely note is heard, which marks
And makes more rich the silence; nothing more!
Thus, in great cities, the cathedral clock
Lifting its iron tongue, doth seem to stay
Time for a moment, while it warns the world
(Sweet sound to those who wake, or watch till morn,)
“Now goes the midnight.” Then I love to walk
And hear that hoarse slow-fading clang grow sweet,
As upwards to the stars and mighty moon
It bears calm tidings from this dreaming globe.
Ah! why may not the poor man ever dream!
A step? who's there? A lady? O, Giana!


Giana and her Maid enter.
You have cause to be surprised, sir.

No, dear lady;
Honoured I own, that my poor dwelling should
Receive so fair a guest.

You have forgotten
The past times then?

No, no; those sweet times live,
Flowers in my faithful memory, kept apart
For holier hours, and sheltered from the gaze
Of rude uncivil strangers; they are now
My only comfort; so lest they should fade
I use 'em gently, very gently, madam,
And water 'em all with tears.

Your poverty
Has made you gloomy, Signior Frederigo.

Pardon me, madam: 'twas not well, indeed,


To meet such a guest with sorrow: you were born
For happiness.

Alas! I fear not so.

Oh! yes, yes: and you well become it; well.
May grief ne'er trouble you, nor heavier hours
Weigh on so light a heart.

You well reprove me;
Light and unfeeling.

Yet I meant not so.
Giana! let me sink beneath your scorn
If ever I reproach you: what am I,
Outcast from Fortune, all my father's gifts
Lavished and lost by folly—

'Twas for me.

Oh! no, no: I had many faults
Whose burthen rests with me: then what am I,


That I should dare reproach you? As I am,
Know me your truest servant; only that;
And bound to live and die for you.

No more.
Let us enjoy the present.

My lady, sir,
Is come to feast with you.

'Tis even so.

I am too honoured: Can you then put up
With my (so poor a) welcoming? If the heart
Could spend its wealth in entertainment, I
Would feast you like a queen: but, as it is,
You will interpret kindly?

Oh! I know
I come to a scholar's table. Now we'll go,
And rest us in your orchard for a while.
The evening breezes will be pleasant there:
For a short time, farewell.


Farewell, dear madam:
I hope you'll find there some—ah! 'ware the step.

'Tis but an awkward entrance, sir, indeed.

You'll find some books in the arbour, where you rest.
They are books of poetry. If I remember,
You loved such stories once, thinking they brought
Man to a true and fine humanity.

You've a good memory, signior. That must be—
Stay, let me count: ay, some six years ago.

About the time.

You were thought heir, I think,
Then, to the Count Filippo: you displeased him:
How was't?

Oh! some mere trifle: I forget.


Nay, tell me; for some said you were ungrateful.

I could not marry to his wish.

Was it so?

Thus simply: nothing more, believe it.

I did not know it. Not marry to his wish!

She comes to dine; to dine with me, who am
A beggar. Now, what shall I do to give
This idol entertainment? not a coin!
Not one, by Heav'n, and not a friend to lend
The veriest trifle to a wretch like me.
And she has descended from her pride too—no;
No, no; she had no pride. Now if I give
Excusings, she will think I'm poor indeed,
And say misfortune starved the spirit hence
Of an Italian gentleman. No more:
She must be feasted. Ha! no, no, no, no,
Not that way: Any way but that. Bianca!


Enter Bianca.
This lady comes to feast.

On what, sir? There
Is scarce a morsel: fruit perhaps—

Then I
Must take my gun and stop a meal i' the air.

Impossible. Old Mars, you know,
Frights every bird away.

Ah! villain, he
Shall die for't; bring him hither.

Sir? What can you mean?
Our falcon?

Ay, that murderous kite. How oft
Hath he slain innocent birds: now he shall die.
'Tis fit he should, if 'twere but in requital;
And he for once shall do me service. Quick!


I'll wring his cruel head, and feast my queen.

He is here, sir.

Where? vile bird!
There—I'll not look at him.

Alas! he's dead:
Look, look! ah! how he shivers.

Fool! Begone!
Fool! am not I a fool—a selfish slave?
I am, I am. One look: ah! there he lies.
By Heav'n, he looks reproachingly; and yet
I loved thee, poor bird, when I slew thee. Hence!
Bianca exit.
Mars! my brave bird, and have I killed thee, then,
Who was the truest servant—loved me so,
When all the world had left me? Never more
Shall thou and I in mimic battle play,
Nor thou pretend to die, (to die, alas!)
And with thy quaint and grave-eyed tricks delight
Thy master in his solitude. No more,


No more, old Mars! (thou wast the god of birds,)
Shalt thou rise fiercely on thy plumed wing,
And hunt the air for plunder: thou could'st ride
(None better) on the fierce wild mountain winds


When birds of lesser courage drooped. I've seen
Thee scare the plundering eagle on his way,
(For all the wild tribes of these circling woods
Knew thee and shunned thy course,) and thro' the air
Float like a hovering tempest, feared by all.
Have I not known thee bring the wild swan down,
For me, thy cruel master: ay, and stop
All wanderers of the middle air, for me
Who killed thee—murdered thee, poor bird; for thou
Wast worthy of humanity, and I
Feel with these shaking hands, as I had done
A crime against my race.



—A Room.
Frederigo. Giana.
You think it strange that I should visit you?

No, madam, no.

You must: ev'n I myself
Must own the visit strange: it is most strange.

I am most grateful for it.

Hear me, first.
What think you brought me hither? I've a suit
That presses, and I look to you to grant it.

'Tis but to name it, for you may command


My life, my service. Oh! but you know this:
You injure when you doubt.

I do not doubt.
Now for my errand: Gentle signior, listen:
I have a child; no mother ever loved
A son so much: but that you know him, I
Would say how delicate he was, how good.
But oh! I need not tell his sweet ways to you:
You know them, signior, and your heart would grieve,
(I feel't,) if you should see the poor child die;
And now he's pale and ill. If you could hear
How he asks after you, and says he loves you
Next to his mother.

Madam, stay your tears.
Can I do aught to soothe your pretty boy?
I love him as my own.


I forget.
And yet I love him, lady: am I too bold?


Oh, no. I thank you for your love.


To my poor child: he pines and wastes away.
One thing alone in all the world he sighs for;
And that—I cannot name it.

Is it mine?

It is, it is: I shame to ask't.

'Tis yours;
Were it my life. What have I, and not yours?

It is—the falcon.
Ah, pardon me: I see how you love the bird.

I loved him,—yes.


I feel my folly, sir.
You shall not part with your poor faithful bird:
I had no right (I least of all) to ask it.
I will not rob you, sir.

Oh! that you could!
Poor Mars! Your child, madam, will grieve to hear
His poor old friend is dead.

I met him as I entered.

He is dead.

Nay, this is not like you. Why not refuse?
I do not need excuses.

Gracious lady,
Believe me not so poor: the bird is dead.
Listen: you came to visit me—to feast:
It was my barest hour of poverty:


I had not one poor coin to purchase food.
Could I for shame confess this to you?—you?
I saw the descending beauty whom I loved
Honouring my threshold with her step, and deign
To smile on one whom all the world forgot.
Once I had been her lover, (how sincere
Let me not say:) my name was high and princely:
My nature had not fallen. Could I stoop
And say how low and abject was my fortune?
And send you fasting home? Your servant there
Would have scorned me. Lady, even then I swore
That I would feast you daintily:—I did.
My noble Mars, thou wast a glorious dish
Which Juno might have tasted.

What is this?
We feasted on your noble bird? Good bird!

He has redeemed my credit.

(after a pause).
You have done
A princely thing, Frederigo. If I e'er
Forget it, may I not know happiness.
Signior, you have a noble delicate mind,


A heart such as in hours of pain or peril
Methinks I could repose on.

Oh! Giana!

I have a child who loves you. For his mother
You've wrought a way into her inmost heart.
Can she requite you?

How! what mean you?—Madam!
Giana, sweet Giana, do not raise
My wretched heart so high; too high: do not—
'Twill break on falling.

But it shall not fall,
If I can prop it, or my hand repay
Your many gifts, your long fidelity.
I come, Frederigo, not as young girls do,
To blush and prettily affect to doubt
The heart I know to be my own. I feel
That you have loved me well. Forgive me, now,
That circumstance (which some day I'll make known)
Kept me aloof. My nature is not hard,
Altho' it seemed thus to you.


What can I say?

Nothing. I read your heart.

It bursts, my love: but 'tis with joy, with joy.
Giana! my Giana! are you mine?
Speak, lest I fear I dream. We—we will have
Nothing but halcyon days. Oh! we will live
As happily as the bees that hive their sweets,
As gaily as the summer fly, but wiser:
I'll be thy servant ever. I will be
The sun o' thy life, faithful through every season,
And thou shalt be my flower perennial,
My bud of beauty, my imperial rose,
My passion-flower, and I will wear thee here,
Here, on my heart, and thou shalt never fade.
I'll love thee mightily, my queen, and in
The sultry hours I'll sing thee to thy rest
With music sweeter than the wild wind's song:
And I will swear thine eyes are like the stars,
Thyself beyond the nymphs who, poets feigned,
Dwelt long ago in woods of Arcady.
My gentle deity! I'll crown thee with
The whitest lilies, and then bow me down
Love's own idolater, and worship thee.


And thou wilt then be mine, my beautiful?
How fondly will we love through life together;
And wander, heart-linked, thro' the busy world
Like birds in eastern story.


Oh! you rave.

I'll be a miser of thee; watch thee ever;
At morn, at noon, at eve, and all the night.
We will have clocks that with their silver chime
Shall measure out the moments: and I'll mark
The time, and keep love's endless calendar.
To-day I'll note a smile: to-morrow how
Your bright eyes spoke—how saucily; and then
Record a kiss plucked from your currant lip,
And say how long 'twas taking: then, thy voice,
As rich as stringèd harp swept by the winds
In Autumn, gentle as the touch that falls
On serenader's moonlit instrument—
Nothing shall pass unheeded. Thou shalt be
My household goddess; nay smile not, nor shake
Backwards thy clustering curls, incredulous:
I swear it shall be so: it shall, my love.

Why, now thou'rt mad indeed: mad.

Oh! not so.
There was a tender sculptor once who loved
And worshipped the white marble which he shaped,


Till, as the story goes, the Cyprus' queen,
Or some such fine kind-hearted deity,
Touched the pale stone with life, and it became
Pygmalion's bride: but thee—on whom
Nature had lavished all her wealth before,
Now love has touched with beauty: doubly fit
For human worship thou, thou—let me pause;
My breath is gone.

With talking!

With delight.
But I may worship thee in silence, still.

The night is come; and I must go; farewell!
Until to-morrow.

Oh! not yet, not yet.
Behold! the moon is up, the bright-eyed moon,
And sheds her soft delicious light on us,
True lovers re-united. Why she smiles,
And bids you tarry: will you disobey
The Lady of the Sky?


Nay, I must go.

Then we will go together.

Not to-night.
My servants wait my coming; not far off.

A few more words, and then I'll part with thee,
For one long night: to-morrow bid me come,
(Thou hast already with thine eyes,) and bring
My load of love and lay it at thy feet.
—Oh! ever while those floating orbs are bright
Shalt thou to me be a sweet guiding light.
Once, the Chaldean from his topmost tower
Did watch the stars, and then assert their power
Throughout the world: so, dear Giana, I
Will vindicate my own idolatry:
And in the beauty and the spell that lies
In the sweet meanings of thy love-lit eyes;
In thy neck's purple veins, which downward glide,
Till in the white depths of thy breast they hide;
In thy clear open forehead; in thy hair
Heaped in rich tresses on thy shoulders fair;
In thy calm dignity; thy modest sense;


In thy most soft and winning eloquence;
In woman's gentleness and love, (now bent
On me, so poor,) shall lie my argument.