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Scene VIII.

—The Market-place in front of the Stadt-House.
Enter two of Van den Bosch's Officers, dragging a Burgher between them, and followed by an Executioner with an axe and a crowd of Citizens. A scaffold is seen at a distance.
1st Officer.
Where hast thou put it?

What? Put what—put what?

2nd Officer.
A few last words—where is it?

Mercy! what?

1st Officer.
Oh, very well! Come, clap his thumb in a winch.

No need of that—what is it that ye seek?

1st Officer.
Van Borselen's head. 'Twas sticking on that spike
At nine last night. Who took it thence but thou?

I never touch'd it.

2nd Officer.
Thou art next of kin,
And rightfully shouldst fill his vacancy.

1st Officer.
Thy head to his stands in a just succession.
Besides, they are as like as are two cherries.


Bring him away!

2nd Officer.
Friend with the axe, come on!

[Exeunt all but two Citizens.
1st Citizen.
When will this end?

2nd Citizen.
When Van den Bosch . . .

1st Citizen.
Hush! Hush!