University of Virginia Library



Of all the words that fill the ear with gladness,
And like rich treasure in the heart we hide,
Of all the promises that banish sadness,
What passes this, “I shall be satisfied”?
What satisfied? The soul's immortal longing;
The thirsting for the good, the true, the right;
The vast desires that come upon us thronging;
The hungering for knowledge and for light?
Shall there no wish be ever on us growing,
That ours were service pure as saints' above?
No wish: since we are filled to overflowing
With all the fulness of the Godhead's love.
O blessed hope; hope that no more for ever
Desires unsatisfied shall vex the soul;
That yearnings unfulfilled shall trouble never
The peace of those that reach the heavenly goal.


I cannot tell the glories of that heaven
Where God in Christ, and Christ in God, is all;
Where burn the lamps, the mystic wondrous Seven,
And saints in lowly adoration fall.
Enough for hearts weary of sin and sorrow,
And still athirst when earthly streams are tried,
Enough that soon shall dawn that glorious morrow
When we, awaking, shall be satisfied.
No longer then bewildered by false seemings,
The substance shall be ours, the shadow gone;
Beguiled no longer by unstable dreamings,
We from the dark shall pass into the sun.
Here, then, I rest at peace, all doubtings over;
“Here,” can I say, “I will with joy abide;”
No bliss beyond this wish I to discover;
Enough for me, “I shall be satisfied.”