University of Virginia Library




Let all your looks be grave and cold,
Or smile upon me still;
And give your hand, or else withhold;
Take leave howe'er you will.
No lingering trace within your face
Of love's regard is seen:
We two no more shall be—
Never!—what we've been.


It is not now a longing day
Divides us, nor a year;
Your heart from mine has turn'd away,
Nor henceforth sheds a tear.
The winter snow will come and go,
New May-times laugh in green:
We two no more shall be—
Never!—what we've been.


Ah, never! Countless hours, that bring
Full many a chance and change,
May choose a beggar-boy for king,
Or cleave a mountain range.
The salt-sea tide may yet be dried
That rolls far lands between:
We two no more can be—
Never!—what we've been.