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Chaunt of The Cholera

Songs for Ireland. By the Authors of "The O'Hara Tales," "The Smuggler," &c. [i.e. John Banim]

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Air“The Brown Irish Girl;” Or, “By the lake whose gloomy shore.”


Men who for the land do toil,
Humble brethren of our soil,
Charms or spells we did not wind
O'er your independent mind;
Priestly frown, or bigot threat,
From your priests ye have not met;
True, we call'd ye forth—what then!
'Twas as brother-Irishmen!


By the love between us grown
At the desart's storm-blanch'd stone,


When, sore troubled and afraid,
There we knelt, and there we pray'd,—
By its memory, old and rare,
Since our straw-thatch'd house of prayer,
Of the rude hill part and prize,
On the rude hill dared arise—


By its great increase, since we
Rear'd our own sheds, lowlily,
Near, and like, and still, around,
No friends but each other found—
By the love such lot accords—
Bedside comforts, fireside words—
By that love, in Ireland's name,
We did call ye, and ye came!