University of Virginia Library


He crowned thee first, O Blessed One, with grace,
And set thee, from thy fair conception hour,
Creation's perfect seed and plant and flower,
Beautiful in the brightness of His Face.


He crowned thee next with joy, child of His love,—
The joy wherein His whole world had its part;
The supreme joy that waited for thy heart,
Seeing none else could bear the weight thereof.
And next He crowned thee with His sorrow,—thee
He called upon His crucifixion morn,
And girt thy brows with His own piercing thorn,
And clothed thee with His purple of mockery.
And last, in splendour full, of light and sound,
In all the exultant sheen of Heaven's high day,
He set thee in thy queendom, there for aye
With glory everlasting robed and crowned.