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The Poetical Entertainer

Or, Tales, Satyrs, Dialogues, And Intrigues, &c. Serious and Comical. All digested into such Verse as most agreeable to the several Subjects. To be publish'd as often as occasion shall offer [by Edward Ward]

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The Good Man's Supplication.
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The Good Man's Supplication.

Bless me with Grace and Strength, to bear
My Fortune and my Doom,
That I my Course may boldly steer,
To my Eternal Home.
O grant me Goodness to forgive,
And Patience to sustain
The Wrongs and Inj'ries I receive
From base and wicked Men!
Let no Revenge inflame my Heart,
No Anger tease my Mind,
But let me act a Christian Part,
Tow'rds God and all Mankind.
Feed me, O Heav'n! with wholesome Food,
And Cloath me from the Cold:
Whilst Young, preserve me chast and good,
And healthful when I'm Old.


Let me be friendly to my Friend,
To e'ery Mortal just,
True to whatever I pretend,
And faithful to my Trust.
In safety Wise, in danger Brave;
Be lib'ral but discreet,
That when I'm mouldring in my Grave
My Mem'ry may be sweet.