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The Court of Cupid

By the Author of the Meretriciad [i.e. Edward Thompson]. Containing the Eighth Edition of the Meretriciad, with great Additions. In Two Volumes

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Venus, 'twas thou inspired'st my strains,
Sent love full gallop through my veins:
'Twas thou my Verses first didst speed;
And fill'd them with Lucretian seed;
That seed prolifick I proclaim,
That rais'd Lucretius' Roman name
To glorious, and immortal Fame.
O! Venus hear your darling Son,
Smile, or your gallant Boy's undone!
Unless you aid,—he sinks in shame,
Who only rose to raise your fame.


'Tis thou O! Goddess that inspires,
All Nature through with fond desires;
'Tis thou that warms the Dove to coo,
And stirs the sturdy Bull to woo;
'Tis thou that stimulates the Wren,
And whips the Cock upon the Hen;
'Tis thou that makes the boar to sigh,
To grunt, and court within the Sty.
To quit the straw, or leave the wood,
And raise his passion in the mud;
'Tis thou provok'st the lazy pig,
To frisk in the venereal jigg:
'Tis thou that mak'st the Stallion snort,
And gives him vigour for the sport:
Nature, without thine aid wou'd rust,
Thou spur'st them all to love, to lust.
'Tis thou O! Goddess warms each part,
And trills about the virgin heart:
'Twas you sent Paris once Pell-Mell in,
'To Menelaus' lovely Helen.
'Twas you kick'd up the Trojan dust,
And got Miss Bab Briseis bust:


'Twas you that form'd th'Egyptian jade
Cleopatra, for the frisking trade;
'Twas you that made poor Tony spend,
Unto a loving fatal end;
And made the wanton Gypsy grasp
The pois'nous, slipp'ry, wriggling asp.
'Twas you that made Lucretia lewd,
And at the same time made her prude;
'Twas you which made the happy hit,
To whip her slave upon the spit;
She'd no objections to the prince,
That her enjoyment must convince;
But when found out, she went a Barking
Unto her Spouse against young Tarquin:
Let you alone dear gentle Venus,
You always can reveal or screen us.
With us indeed you have been civil,
And with the great have play'd the Devil:
'Twas you turn'd Lady Sarah's head,
And put Lord William in her bed:


Cupid and you your flames still waft on,
And burnt young O---y up for G*.
Passion and lust puft up the gale,
And kindled Kitty H.'s tail:
Then quick again as brimstone match,
My Lady B* did catch:
No Engines cou'd prevent or hinder;
V*t too she took like tinder:
Nothing in short could burn so quick,
Out of the Kingdoms of old Nick:
No Thames-street fire had half the merit,
Tho' made of sugar, oil, and spirit,
Nor did they blaze or make such flames,
As burnt in these unquenched Dames.
However Venus keep it up,
Still reign the toast of Bacchus' cup!
To Love, pray smooth the Turnpike road,
Let kissing still remain the mode;
In me provoke the Darling passion,
And flirting ever keep in fashion:
'Tis what you like, 'tis what we love,
We're taught to rev'rence folks above:


It is a homage I shall pay,
To your sweet Daughters ev'ry day;
And when I'm past all worship here,
Transport me to your heavenly sphere,
With seeing you, O! make me blest,
Lull me upon your velvet breast;
No earthly Babby e'er shall tipple,
As I will Venus of your nipple:
And if such sucking won't create,
And fit me for th'Elysian state;
Let me drink nectar, still be jolly,
And spend Eternity with Polly.