University of Virginia Library



[WHEN sacred freedom treads the plain]

Warrel, Mountain, Incledon, and Williamson.
WHEN sacred freedom treads the plain,
The gen'rous virtues swell her train;
As round she throws her radiant eye,
Despair, and hate, and envy fly,
Myrtle-wreaths her falchion bind,
She sheaths the sword for human kind.


Mrs. MARTYR.—(which ends with a Semi Chorus.)

ONWARD come in wanton measure,
Frolic hope, and playful pleasure,
Hope that speaks the bliss of wooing,
Passion bent on soft subduing,
Friendship, joy, and peace agree,
To be blest we must be free.


Hark to the general voice,
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!
A brighter day succeeds at last,
Oppression's heavy hour is past.



Then let us learn of Britain's favour'd land,
To greet with loyal love a due command;
From virtuous rule, her boundless blessings spring,
Her laws are honor'd, and ador'd her King.
Hence, Slavery afar!
Controul thy baleful Star,
That fiercely glares in the red sphere.
Drop not from venom'd breath,
A horror worse than death,
Nor shed again thy influence here.

No longer shall war, and tyrannical sway,
From the face of delight, tear the blossoms away,
For the storms of contention, ambition's fell rage,
Thy magic, O freedom! has power to assuage.


Hark to the general voice!
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!
A brighter day succeeds at last,
Oppression's heavy hour is past.


(March on.)
Then let us learn of Briton's favour'd land,
To greet with loyal love a due command,
From virtuous rule, her boundless blessings spring,
Her laws are honour'd, and ador'd her king.