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Miscellaneous Work in Verse and Prose

By Mr. Miller: Volume the first

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Written at the Age of Sixteen in the Ivory Leaf of a Tweezer-Case, presented by the Author to his Sister.

In This repose the Secrets of your Mind,
This the same silent, faithful Friend you'll find,
Let Fortune smile, or let her prove unkind.
Or should a favour'd Youth some Five Years hence,
I think you're Ten—make amorous Pretence,


Then when he runs his Tale of Fondness o'er,
Swears that he loves, and vows he does adore;
Whilst rebel Wishes take his Part within,
And Nature pleads to let the Suppliant in,
Learn hence—that when our Tongues most Zeal impart,
We're then most thorough Atheists at the Heart.