University of Virginia Library

This done, the Princes at prodigious cost,
Strive who shall honour and divert you most.
But Conde's and Chantilly's Charms Invite,
To see the Muses, and their Sons delight.
Conde, (who early had our Victor seen
Make his Sire yield, who ne're would yield till then)


Learnt at Seneffe the Hero to esteem,
And shews by you his vast respect for him.
In those blest Paths by ancient Bourbons trod,
Those Groves, the Temple of the Muses God,
Which have so oft with Conde's Triumphs rung,
By Sarazin and Gallant Voiture sung.
Hadst thou, O Prior, try'd thy tuneful Lays,
And sung thy Masters, and his Portland's Praise,
Thy Lyre as Sounding, and thy Voice as sweet,
The Theme sublimer, and thy Art as great,
The God had made their names to thine submit,
And France been taught Subjection too in Wit.